

Does a nerve have myelin

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Does a nerve have myelin
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What insulates nerve fibers?

Myelin sheaths insulate nerve fibers

Does myelin sheaths slow down nerve impluses?

No, a myelin sheath speeds up the rate of nerve transmission.

What is myelin sheath on nerve fibers?

The endoneurium surrounds and protects the myelin sheath.

What nerve structure speeds the passage of a nerve impulse?

Myelin sheath and nodes

What does demyelination affect?

The myelin sheath that surrounds the nerve

When the nerve impulse encounters a myelin-covered section of neuron?

it jumps over the myelin

Gaps in myelin sheath?

You can have benign tumors of myelin sheath cells, like astrocytoma. Nerve cells do not divide and so you do not get tumors of nerve cells. Also destruction of the myelin sheath is the cause of MS (multiple sclerosis).

What is the insulating layer wrapped around nerve cells that increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission?

The myelin sheath. Due to its insulating properties, the myelin sheath prevents the movement of ions in nerve cells. Therefore nervous impulses will jump between the gaps in the myelin sheath (called the Nodes of Ranvier). This is a lot quicker than the conduction in non-myelinated nerve fibres which occurs by the movement of ions across each of the nerve cell membranes.

Why is the myelin sheath so important to the nervous system?

Myelin is a fatty substance that insulates and protects nerve cells and allows them to transmit electrical signals quickly.

What is White tissue forming insulation nerve fibers?


Where are myelin sheaths located?

Myelin sheaths are located around the nerve cells. In central as well as peripheral nervous system.

What would happen if the neuron did not have a myelin sheath?

if neurons didn't have myelin sheath then the transmission of nerve impulses is slowed or stopped