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Q: Does a person go unsupervised with a mental inquest warrant?
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What is a white warrant issued by tx?

A white warrant is a mental illness warrant. A person of at least 18 years of age that has first hand knowledge that a person intends to do himself or others harms may go to a mental health magistrate to obtain an order to have that person brought to a mental health facility. It is an offense to fraudulently have a white warrant issued. Please contact your county's sheriff dept or court for complete details.

Can a person with a mental past issue a warrant?

Warrants are ISSUED by a judge or by the police

What is the inquiry into the sudden death of a person called?

An inquest.

What is the name of an inquiry into a sudden death of a person?

An enquiry into the sudden death of a person is called an inquest.

What is the minimum unsupervised age for operating a motorboat more than 15 horsepower?

a person must be at least 16 to operate a motorboat unsupervised

How do you file a mental hygiene warrant in Wv?

A mental health warrant authorizes the authorities to take a person into custody who shows immediate and serious of harm against themselves and others. In order for you to file one in the state of WV you should contact your county attorneys office for a telephone interview, this interview will determine whether or not there is enough criteria for the warrant.

If there is an arrest warrant out for a person do you need a search warrant?

No. As the arrest warrant for a person is simply that in & of itself -- to arrest the person. There should not be a need for a search warrant unless the authorities wish to search through one's personal property.

What is a warrant nightcap?

A nightcap warrant is a warrant signed by a judge that states a person can be arrested at any time. A non night capped warrant can only be executed if the person is on the highway or street.

Where do you get a mental inquest warrant in KY?

I found out my son is using crack and needs help he has sucialial thoughts, stold from me and his wife started carrying a gun...loseing weight, plus his teeth are falling out, looks to be 50 year old. people coming to his house all hours of the night. cops are afraid of this neighborhood. its a dead end street. my son is going to end up dead, if I can't get him help or at least try. any suggestion please help me help my son. To get a mental inquest warrant, go to the county attorneys' office (usually near the courthouse). You will fill out a form and the attorney will sign it. A hearing date will be set, and a summons will be prepared. You will take the summons to the sheriff's office, and the sheriff will deliver it and take the person to a hospital where he/she will be held 72 hours or until the hearing date is available. You must appear at the hearing, and the the person wlll be taken there also. The judge will decide if the person needs to be hospitalized further, usually at a state hospital. The procedure may be a little different for drug abuse, but I'm guessing you could start at the county attorneys' office and they can direct you.

Is a sociopathic parent responsible enough to have unsupervised visits with young children?

Unless a psychiatrist/psychologist has deemed this person as being of no harm to the children unsupervised then that's the way it has to be. If the courts thought otherwise then your spouse wouldn't get to see the children unsupervised.

If extradition state doesn't transfer warrant does warrant get dropped?

No. The warrant remains in effect and that person is eligible for future arrests on that warrant.

What is a Warrant-?

A warrant is an order from a judge to search for something or to arrest a person.