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It depends on where the zero potential energy level is taken. If it is the ground, and the car is at the bottom of a ramp ON A TABLE, then it will have Ep. If the bottom of the ramp was taken as the zero Ep level, then it will have zero Ep.

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yes it does :)

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Q: Does a roller coaster car have potential energy?
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Where is the potential energy of the greatest on a roller coaster?

It is when the car is at its highest point.

What form of energy does a descending roller coaster car?

Potential energy being turned into kinetic energy

How can energy change from potential to kinetic use a roller coaster car as an example?

In the case of a roller coaster car, gravity itself is the basis of both potential and kinetic, the difference being that if something obstructs or controls the rate at which gravity can act to draw an object or body toward the ground then that something would be conserving potential energy. If gravity were allowed to act on the roller coaster car unimpeded then the car would be drawn straight to the ground so the relationship between potential and kinetic energy for a roller coaster is a directly proportional relationship between the distance between the track and the ground, where the slope of the track and initial speed of the roller coaster car form the initial input of energy; potential in the form of distance from the ground and kinetic in the form of velocity.

Why does a roller coaster with more people in it will travel much faster than an empty car?

A roller-coaster would go faster with more people in it because with moer people the better the ride alsothe people that are ridding will give the roller-coaster potential energy. A roller-coaster would go slower with an empty car will give the roller-coaster kinetic energy than with peolpe in it.

What kind of energy happens when a roller coaster reaches the very top of the track just brfore it starts back down?

At that point the roller coaster car has maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy.

When does the string of a car on a roller coaster store its maximum gravitational potential energy?

Any object has maximum gravitational potential energy when it is at its highest position.

How does a roller coaster demonstrate potential and kinetic energy in action?

there is a lot of potential energy right before a roller coaster decreases in elevation. potential energy is at its highest on a roller coaster when the roller coaster is at its highest point. when it drops down it uses kinetic energy.

Where does a roller coaster have the least kinetic energy?

At the tallest point on the track. Potential energy is given by U(Which is potential energy) = mass times height time gravitational constant. You can't change the gravitational constant, or the mass of the roller coaster car. So you have to change the height. PE=mgh so more the height and the mass the more PE

3 What type of energy is gained as the roller coaster car goes up to the top of the first hill?

It is gravitational potential energy.

What are the main energy transfer sthat happen as a roller coaster cart travels along the track from the start of the ride to the end?

At the top of the hill the roller coaster car has potential energy and no kinetic energy but as the car goes down the hill the kinetic energy increases and the potential energy decreases. This pattern continues at every top and every bottom of each hill. A roller coaster track is built with each hill getting a little smaller each time as the car looses energy over each hill due to air resistance and friction. As the car travels along the tracks some of the kinetic energy is converted to thermal energy because of the friction.

Where is the greatest amount of potential and kinetic energy in a roller coaster?

If it is a rollercoaster that has a first drop hill, the roller coaster has the greatest kinetic energy at the bottom of that drop. If it is magnetically launched, the kinetic energy is probably greatest immediately after the launch. However, there are cases where these statements may not be true. (i.e. a drop right after a magnetic launch)The energy is the greatest at the bottom of a drop, before some is translated back into potential energy as the car climbs the next rise.

What does a roller coaster do?

Well, to understand what a roller coaster does you will need to understand what a roller coaster is. A roller coaster is a small vehicle that runs along a fixed track. What a roller coaster does is move along that fixed track at very high speeds, and many people find this very thrilling And if your wondering how a roller coaster works Well, there are 2 types of roller coaster, most commonly the Chain Lift, The chain lift works by hooks on the bottom of the roller coaster car that hook on to a roller chain (the type of chain you would find on a bicycle) and the chain pulls you all the way to the top of the big hill, This is the part where you hear all the clicking. As you start going down the big hill the hooks simply slide out of the chain and gravity starts to take over, but the roller coaster can stay moving because of Kinetic energy and Potential energy. So the 3 things that are very important to a Roller Coaster are Kinetic energy, Potential energy, and gravity. A roller coaster works sort of like rolling a ball down a hill. For info on the launched roller coaster check out the related links.