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Based on my own experiences, the short answer would be a resounding 'yes'.

I have told a total of three people other than my parents that I loved them. In all three cases, I knew that it was not 'love' as anyone else would define the term.

One of them, admittedly, I said those words to for the sole purpose of sexual gratification.

With the other two, what I meant was nothing more than "I am fond of you, I would not intentionally harm you, I value your company, and I do not find you tiresome or irritating as I do others."

A 'friend' of mine has explained to me that love is generally considered to be much more than the sum of those four statements, and includes and implied sense of feeling sad or lonely when the person in question is not around, as well as an intense desire to be near that person. In all honesty, the closest I have felt is boredom in someone's absence, and perhaps a nagging feeling similar to the one you might get when you are on your way to the airport and wonder if you rememebred to pack your toothbrush or lock the back door.

If this question has a personal basis, you should perhaps determine if your sociopath has anything to gain by saying it. If so, then it is quite likely that it was said for that reason, though not definite. Otherwise, I believe there is a good chance that you sociopath feels more fondly of you than he or she does of anyone else.

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Q: Does a sociopath know when they tell you they love you that it is not love?
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