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It smells less, but it still smells like urine.

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Q: Does a spayed male cats urine smell?
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Why is my cats urine smell so strong?

Well, any urine from anyone is going to smell, but male cats' urine is especially potent because, if they are not spayed, they use it to mark their territories. The unique smell of the individual cat's urine declares to intruders that they own the territory.

Do you have to spay the male and female cat as well?

Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.

Why is you spayed female suddenly hissing and growling at your male kitten recovering from his neuter and declaw?

sometimes cats smell like the vet's office or like the medicine there. it makes other cats nervous because they remember that smell and how unpleasant it is there for them. they will get over it

Do you have to spay the male and female cat?

Female cats get spayed. Male cats get neutered. It's the smart thing to do.

There is a large lump where male cat was spayed through abdomen?

Male cats are not spayed through the abdomen. They are castrated, which is done by cutting off their testicles.

Can cats get pregenet by licking male urine?


Why does 13 year old male urine smell?

It smells like urine. Ordinary urine.

Is a male cat interested in female spayed cats?

yes, he can be. he doesn't know that she cant have babies

Can sterilizes female cats be prey for unsterilized male cats?

Yes, un neutered males will try to mate with spayed females.

How do you prevent your cat from getting pregenent besides getting them 'spayed' or 'neutered'?

Keep them away from other intact cats of the opposite sex. It is much easier and less worrisome to have them spayed or neutered, however. Female cats will go into heat every 8 days if they are not spayed, and it is not a pleasant experience. Also spayed female cats have a largely decreased risk of ovarian and mammary tumors, and neutered male cats have a largely decreased risk of prostate cancer. If cats are neutered/spayed before they reach sexual maturity it will also prevent bad behaviors such as spraying.

What are the effective medicines to avoid pregnancy in cats?

there is no medicine that will prevent pregnancy in cats except the fact that cats should spayed if you do not want little kittens around! male cats should be neutered so they do not go tom-catting around populating the neighbourhood, besides males will urinate to mark their territory and a Tom will leave a terrible smell which you do not want!

I have two male cats that are brothers. Midnight keeps dominating Harvest. How do you stop Midnight from doing this?

It is quite natural for male cats, and female cats, to dominate each other, even if they are kin. If they aren't spayed, the fighting problem may be worse than if they were. If they are spayed, there really isn't much you can do to stop them from fighting. Again, it is entirely natural and is an instinct.