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Q: Does a subject complement completes the meaning of a linking verb?
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Can a subject complement follow a action verb?

A subject complement is called a subject complement because it 'completes' the subject; it tells what the subject is or has become. A linking verb 'links' the object to the subject with further information about the subject.When an action verb is used, how it is used determines if it is a linking verb.Example action verbs that can be linking verbs:feel: I feel fine. (I=fine, a linking verb); I feel the warm sand. (not a linking verb, I'm not and I don't become the sand)appear: You appear happy. (you=happy, a linking verb); I look and you appear. (not a linking verb, there is no object)grow: Jim grows taller every year. (Jim=taller, a linking verb); Jim grows roses. (not a linking verb, Jim is not and does not become roses)

Does a sentence containing a linking verb also has a subject complement?

Yes, a sentence with a linking verb will often have a subject complement. The subject complement renames or describes the subject and is connected to it by the linking verb.

Does a subject complement follow a linking verb not an action verb?

Yes, a subject complement follows a linking verb and not an action verb.

What is the meaning of slvc pattern?

The meaning of the s-lv-c pattern is: SUBJECT-LINKING VERB-COMPLEMENT For example: She is beautiful.

Tom left his bicycle on the sidewalk what is the subject complement in the sentence?

There is no subject complement in that sentence. A subject complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective that follows a linking verb. Left is the verb, and it's transitive, not linking.

Which pronoun correctly completes the sentenceWhich pronoun correctly completes the sentence The nurse who took care of me after my operation was . A. it B. him C. her D. she?

The correct pronouns are D. she (or he if a male nurse) because the verb 'was' is a linking verb and requires a subject pronoun as the subject complement (predicate nominative).

Sally is very patient with her pesky little brother transitive or intransitive sentence?

The verb "is" is a linking verb.A linking verb acts as an equals sign, the object of a linking verb restates the subject of the sentence.Sally = patientThe object of a linking verb is called a subject complement; a noun, pronoun, or adjective that the subject is or becomes.The subject complement "patient" is a predicate adjective.A noun or pronoun subject complement is a predicate nominative.

What is SLVC in grammar?

example of subject linking verb complement

What is the subject complement in the sentence They gave their dog to a farmer?

There is no subject complement because there is no linking verb. Gave is an action verb.

What is a complement?

A complement in grammar is a word, phrase, or clause that is necessary to complete the meaning of a given expression. For example, in the sentence "She is very kind," "very kind" is the complement that describes "She." Complements are essential for providing additional information about the subject or object of a sentence.

What is pattern of s-lv-c?

Subject-linking verb-complement

What is noun complement?

The two kinds of complements are subject complements (which follow the verb be and other linking verbs) and object complements (which follow a direct object).A subject complement is the adjective, noun, or pronoun that follows a linking verb; it is normally an adjective or a noun that renames or defines in some way the subject. A complement is any word or phrase that completes the sense of asubject, an object, or a verb. Don't mistake a subject complement for a direct object, only linking verbs can have subject complements.Mary is my sister.An object complement is a noun, pronoun, or adjective which follows a direct object and renames it or tells what the direct object has become. It is most often used with verbs of creating or nominating such as make, name, elect, paint, call, etc.Meet my sister, Mary.