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yes actually it does...=tadpoles usually like warm water than colder water. So if you see alot of tadpoles, then that means the water is most likely to be warm. Frogs/toads mate in the spring and usually have their offspring in the summer.=

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Q: Does a tadpoles existence tell you anything about the condition of the water?
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Related questions

Do the water plants depend on tadpoles in any way?

No water plants do not depend on tadpoles in any way because tadpoles get their energy from water plants themselves

What structure enables tadpoles to breathe in the water?

Gills enable tadpoles to breathe in the water.

What do tadpoles drink?

tadpoles drink there own water that they live in

Can tadpoles live in sink water?

Only if you leave the water out for about a week. Tap water has chemicals that harm the tadpoles.

Do tadpoles get oxygen from the air or from the water like fish?

Tadpoles get oxygen from water like fish do.

Do tadpoles live under rocks?

No. Until tadpoles become frogs, they remain in water.

Do toad tadpoles come from water or underground?


Can a tadpoles live in sink water?

Tadpoles often don't do well in water that is not from the pond where they hatched. It is best to mix dechlorinated tapwater with pond water.

Can you have tadpoles in tap water?

no cause if do they die so u leave the tap water out for about a week cause tap water has a chemical in it that will harm the tadpoles

What kind of water do you need to raise tadpoles?

I am raising tadpoles and I found mine at a small pond, and they are doing fine. I think pond water is best, but whatever you do, dont use tap water. Some tap water has chlorine in it that can harm the tadpoles

Do tadpoles cold or warm water?

Hi! Tadpoles usually live in like 70 to 85 degrees. They can not have very cold water, or very warm water. Also, Tadpoles need quite alot of space, if you were to put tadpoles in a regular sized fish bowl, you could probably be able to fit about 4-5 tadpoles. Hope this helpd!

Can tadpoles breathe under water?
