

Does animals forms crude oil

Updated: 12/12/2022
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12y ago

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Most scientists think that organic mater mainly consisting of plankton (algae, bacteria, viruses) but also perhaps containing larger plants and animals fell to the bottom of the ocean several hundred million years ago if not earlier. New layers of ground came to rest on top of the dead creatures. As the material was pushed deeper it heated up and became crude oil.

Since trees become coal, we can probably assume that oil did not come from trees!

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Q: Does animals forms crude oil
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No, not actually. Crude oil is one type of petroleum. Petroleum is a common term for the liquid (crude oil), gaseous (natural gas), and viscous or solid forms (bitumen and asphalt).

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Crude oil, coal and are fossil fuels. They were formed over millions of years. Crude oil and gas were formed from dead marine organisms

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Commonly, Petroleum is considered a synonym for Crude Oil. However, according to Britannica Encyclopedia, petroleum as a technical term encompasses: the liquid (crude oil), gaseous (natural gas), and viscous or solid forms (bitumen and asphalt).

How does crude oil get on land?

it depends on were the oil was spilled but usally waves was the oil up on to land and it cover the animals that are there

How do you make crude oil?

u dont make crude oil it is a natural process when small animals and planets decayed into sand and mud millions of years ago

Why is there so much carbon in crude oil?

because the dead remains from the animals and plants contained carbon so the crude oil would also be rich in carbon

Why crude oil iscalled fossil fuel?

Crude oil is a fossil fuel because. It was made from the dead bodies of microscope plant and animals that once lived in the sea

Why is gasoline and home heating oils referred to as fossil fuels?

Both are derived from crude oil, which is itself the carbon-rich decomposition of life-forms that died-out millions of years ago. These dead plants and animals built up a thick layer over so many years, and then were covered and compressed by dirt and rock. Crude oil is the reduced version of those plants and animals. The only place we find these plants and animals not squished into oil is when we find them fossilized. Thus, we named crude oil, "Fossil Fuel". Natural Gas is also formed this way, and it is also called a "Fossil Fuel".

What is the original source of crude oil?

Crude oil comes from plants, remnants of animals, and other vegetation that were compressed under the ground and exposed to extreme heat for thousands of years.

Do corn oil and petrol get their energy from the Sun Both corn oil and petrol are sources of energy Petrol comes from crude oil which is formed from the remains of dead organisms Explain?

By the food chain all animals get their energy from eating other animals which eat plants, plants make energy using sunlight therefore the dead animals all got their energy from sunlight, the dead animals became crude oil therefore, crude oil gets its energy from the sun QED

Where does the energy of crude oil and gas come from?

The original source of oil is the dead life forms. The hydrocarbons from the life forms are usually buried so that they do not combine with oxygen. When the hydrocarbons become more saturated with hydrogen, they form oil.