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The study of classics is the study of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Classics was they mainstay of the education of the European elites for centuries. Many universities still have classics departments with classics professors, lecturers and students.

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Q: Does anybody know about ancient Greece and ancient rome a lot?
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What are five common things between ancient Rome and ancient Greece?

Ancient Rome adapted many ideas From Ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece came before ancient rome.

Did ancient Rome and ancient Greece both have a golden age?

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Ancient Rome was definitely larger than ancient Greece.

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Ancient Rome was more sucessful.

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Please be more specific. What do you want to know about he ancient literature?

What did Ancient Greece take from Ancient Rome?

Nothing, Ancient Greece came before Ancient Rome, and actually Ancient Rome took things from Greece, Romans were influenced by Greek religion and some of their architecture.

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As far as I know, There is no character named Caesar in ancient Greece. There were only the Caesars of Rome, which was a title like emperor

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The Classical period includes the literature of ancient Greece and ancient Rome.

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