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The Chinese are considered to be from Sin, as evidenced to Chinese studies being called Sinology. The linguistic link is the similarity between the pronunciation of 'sin' and 'chin'.

Given the nomadic evolution spread upward then east from africa. Two groups split off. One went to Mongolia and evolved, one towards India and china originally. From there further refinement and evolution happened with time and enviroment.
The answer is we are all from the same people......oilcanracer

In Asian Biblical

The Chinese(I mean all Mongoloids) are descendant of Shem (They said their ancestor is Arphaxad and Mongolian are the descendant of Asshur).They call themselves Tsin not Sin
Why? Because the word of Sin in bible not match in Chinese word.And the the word Tsin(Chin) in Chinese language not mean Sin son of Canaan but mean Chin Dynasty. the word Chin(Tsin) use to be a China name because China are mighty in Chin dynasty era. sorry for my English.^^
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Q: Does anyone know according to the Genesis table of nations who the ancestors of the Chinese and the Japanese and the Korean peoples and by extension the American Indian peoples?
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