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anorexias usually go back in forth for many diffrent reason sometimes the anorexia feels guilty for eating so we purge. Or are fear of being fat scars us so much. anorexias usually go back in forth for many diffrent reason sometimes the anorexia feels guilty for eating so we purge. Or are fear of being fat scars us so much.

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16y ago
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15y ago

There are two types of anorexics - those who binge and purge, and those who severely restrict (starve), according to the DSM-IV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders). Anorexics can waver between binge eating/purging and restricting. They can even waver between bulimia and anorexia. Sometimes, they can binge upto 10, 000 calories in one sitting, and then spend the rest of the week starving but burning off the 10,000 they consumed. So yes, they can binge.

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14y ago

Binging, without purging, will make anyone gain weight. Most anorexic or bulimic people will purge after binging, every single time. However, binging and then purging is not an effective method of weight loss. Even if the food is purged afterwards, through vomiting, laxatives, or overexercising, it is impossible to get rid of all of it. This is especially true when a person abuses laxatives. Laxatives work on the lower intestine, while most calorie absorption occurs in the upper intestine. By the time food is turned into feces, all the calories have already been absorbed.

Exercising also doesn't work well, because no human being can exercise enough to burn off a 20,000 or 50,000 calorie binge. The average person burns only 600 calories running for an hour. Vomiting is the best method, but even vomiting will not get rid of all the food. Some of it will still be digested. Furthermore, the hydrochloric acid in your stomach will wear away the lining of your esophagus. Eventually, you may wear holes in your esophagus, which can be fatal. The acid can also make your teeth fall out.

Since binging and purging is not an effective way to lose weight, many bulimics are of a normal weight, or even overweight. Many eating-disordered people have mixed symptoms (both anorexic and bulimic symptoms). Many anorexic people also binge and purge, and many bulimic people starve themselves as much as they can. So, if a person is mostly anorexic, then they may remain thin, even if they binge and purge as well. But binging and purging will not make them thinner. Someone who is totally bulimic may be overweight, average weight, or underweight.

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14y ago

Yes, sometimes they do.

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