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Q: Does black tar heroin leave your nostrils and fingers brown?
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Is black tar heroin or hashish in a lump but kind of greasy to the touch?

Heroin is dark brown-light brown, black tar is powder that turns sticky and tar like when warm. It smells like vinegar and is very bitter to the tongue.

What illegal drug looks like molasses after its smoked and then it turns rock hard?

I don't think I've ever actually seen molasses, so I may be wrong, but I think you are talking about heroin. I have heard of China White heroin and black tar heroin, but the only heroin I've ever seen was neither white nor black: it was a very fine, dry powder that was a tan/beige color (very, very light brown). Anyway, after smoking this heroin (freebasing it off of tin foil, actually) it would turn into a very, very dark brown, almost black-looking substance that was rock-hard.

Can brown heroin be in hard chunks?

yes I have had afgan brown heroin in very hard chunks,(you cant break it with your hands to put it into bags you have to use pliers or something) it was probably recompressed after been cut as I dount any street heroin is ever pure, as afgan brown heroin normally comes into the country in big brown chucks (seen it on T.V lol..)

Brown sugar and heroin?

Brown sugar is a street name for the drug heroin. There are several street names for heroin. Some of them are smack, junk, chiba, chiva, tar, H, skag, and China white.

What is cheeva?

Cheeva is brown tar heroin

What is mixed with cocaine to turn it brown?


How brown sugar drug made?

The brown sugar drug is a version of heroin, popular in India.

How many fingers does James Brown have?

8 fingers and 2 thumbs.

Is heroin and brown sugar same?

brown sugar is the mixture of monoacetyle morphine and unreacted morphine,its color is brown so its called brown sugar

What is China White?

China White is a slang term for Alphamethylfentanyl which is a type of refined heroin.

What are the common street names for heroin?

* Dragon * Dope * Heron, Herone, Hero, Hera, H, Big H * White, China White, White Nurse, White Lady, White Horse, White Girl, White Boy, White Stuff * Boy, He * Black, Black Tar, Black Pearl, Black Stuff, Black Eagle * Brown, Brown Crystal, Brown Sugar, Brown Tape, Brown Rhine * Chiba, Chiva, Chieva * Mexican Brown, Mexican Mud, Mexican Horse * Junk, Tar * Snow, Snowball * Smack, Scag, Scat, Sack, Skunk * Number 3, Number 4, Number 8

How and where is heroin made?

Heroin is made from morphine, which is extracted from the opium poppy plant. The process involves several steps, which typically occur in clandestine laboratories. Opium poppy cultivation and heroin production are primarily concentrated in Afghanistan and to a lesser extent, in Southeast Asia and South America. Illegal drug cartels and criminal networks control the production and distribution networks of heroin.