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Q: Does boxer get killed in a horse slaughterer or glue factory in animal farm?
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What happen to Boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer was sent to the glue factory. (They killed him.)

What is boxer like in Animal Farm?

Boxer is a very hard worker. His two slogans are, " I will work harder" and " Napoleon is all ways right" He died because of old age and Napoleon send him to a slaughterer but he tells the animals that he has gone to a expensive hospital.

Who killed boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer dies in Chapter Nine when the pigs sell him to a "'Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughterer and Glue Boiler,... Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal." He is injured in his attempt to defend the windmill. However, Squealer weaves a brilliant and moving tail of how no expense was spared by Napoleon on Boxer's medical treatment, and that Boxer's last words praised Animal Farm in particular and Napoleon especially. This is a brilliant example of the cold and cruel exploitation of the loyal working classes and propaganda.

How were missionaries affected by the Boxer Rebellion?

Some were killed in the Boxer Rebellion.

What injury does boxer sustain in the book animal farm?

He had been working too long and Napoleon thought he was useless to retire so early so he killed boxer

Why do the animals on Animal Farm admire boxer and what is boxer demises?

Boxer is admired by animals on the farm because he works so hard and is so strong. They want to be as devoted and able to the work as he is. Boxer fell while hauling stone for the windmill and hurt his lung. The pigs say they are sending him to a hospital in Willingdon but when the cart comes to pick him up, Benjamin points out what is written on the side of the cart "Alfred Simmons, Horse slaughterer and Glue boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in Hides and Bone-Meal. The animals realize that they are sending him to his death and try to get the cart to stop but fail. After he leaves, Squealer tells the animals that Boxer died in the hospital. He says he got the finest treatment and Napoleon didn't hesitate to pay any price. Squealer also explains that the cart says horse slaughterer on it because the hospital bought it from them and hasn't yet painted over it.

What was boxer looking forward the beginning of the chapter Did he get to realize his desire?

Boxer was looking forward to retiring and living out his days peacefully on Jones' farm. Unfortunately, he did not get to realize his desire as he was sold to a glue factory by the pigs in Animal Farm.

Tragedy of Boxer in Animal Farm?

Boxer was injured because he worked too hard. After that, it was arranged that he would be sent to a veterinarian/animal hospital facility. However, Squealer, being as smart as he is, sent him off to the glue factory. He obviously died there.He was sent off to the glue factory, courtesy of the pigs, who found him unprofitable since he could not work with a broken leg.After helping with the harvest, boxer dies of fatigue. He gets sold to be made into glue.

What is happening to boxer in Animal Farm?

boxer was their motivation for work and he kept all their spirits up while working with his quote ' i will work harder'. and he reassured the animals that 'napoleon was always right' I'm so cool. and Winchester is the best ^^lolol, course you are and course it is.:LL

Why does napoleon try to have boxer killed?

because he wants to...

In Animal Farm who is the muscle of the corps?

The muscle in Animal Farm is Boxer.

How is boxer betrayed by the pigs in the book Animal farm?

Boxer fell and was injured badly. Squealer said he was arranging to take Boxer to Willingdon Hospital but when the van came, it read "Alfred Simmonds, Horse Slaughter and Glue Boiler, Willingdon. Dealer in hides and bone-metal. Kennals supplied". The pigs were taking Boxer to the knackers to be killed.