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Q: Does carbon have more atomic radius than germanium?
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Which has a larger radius arsenic or phosphorus?

Carbon has a larger atomic radius than nitrogen. The radii of these compounds are 67pm and 56pm, respectively. This occurs because the electrons in nitrogen are more attracted to the nucleus than electrons in carbon.

What is the atomic number of germanium?

The atomic number of germanium (Ge) is 32The atomic weight of Ge is 72.61 grams per mole.See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with more information about this element!32

How do the atomic radius and metallic properties of sodium compare to the atomic radius and metallic properties of phosphorus?

Sodium has a larger atomic radius and is more metallic.

Why does the atomic radius change as electrons are added to a shell?

This is because of the fact atomic radius is the distance of the outermost electron to the nucleus thus as more electrons are added the distance increase (which cause atomic radius to change)

If You could swallow a capsule of germanium without ill effects what would happen if you added a proton to the nucleus?

Refering back to the periodic table if you add a proton to germanium (atomic number 32), it then has atomic number 33 which is arsenic which is 80-100 times more toxic than Germanium.

What type of bond is present in germanium?

Germanium atoms are hold together through covalent bonds, although they have more metallic character than carbon and silicon.

Which one is more dense carbon or aluminum?

I am assuming you mean the atoms of these two elements. We can do the simple math and find out: density = mass/volume atomic mass of carbon = 12.01 amu = 1.99 x 10-23 grams atomic mass of aluminum = 26.98 amu = 4.48 x 10-23 grams volume of a sphere (atom) = 4/3 x pi x r3 atomic radius of carbon = 70 pm = 7.0 x 10-9 cm atomic radius of aluminum = 125 pm = 1.25 x 10-8 cm density (carbon) = 13.85 g/cm3 density (aluminum) = 5.48 g/cm3 Carbon is more dense.

The atomic number increases and therefore the atomic radius as you move across the table from left to right.?


Which element has the largest atomic radius out of fluorine chlorine or bromine?

Bromine is farther down the group and has more electron shells, making it an element with a lager atomic radius.

Does a small atomic radius correspond with a high or low electronegativity?

A small atomic radius corresponds more closely to a low electronegativity.

What element has only three more electrons than germanium?

The element that has three more electrons than a neutral germanium atom is bromine. You can determine this by the atomic number. The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. In a neutral atom, this is also the number of electrons. So, the atomic number of germanium is 32, so its neutral atoms contain 32 protons and 32 electrons. Move to the right three more elements, and you get bromine with an atomic number of 35, so its neutral atoms contain 35 protons and electrons.

Does Al have a larger atomic radius than B?

Aluminum has a larger radius than Boron because there are more electron filled 'orbitals' around its nucleus. Atomic radius increases down a group for that reason.