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No. You need cell division to grow, and since men and women both grow from infancy until death, (eg. gaining muscle, reforming broken bones, etc.) we both need cell division.

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Q: Does cell division only happen in women?
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The end product of cell division is two complete cells that have genetically identical nuclei.

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Meiotic Cell Division- occurs only in the production of ova and sperm. It producesfour daughter cells that contain only half the number of chromosomes as found in the parent cell.;) Awesome

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Meiosis could not be a type of cell division that produces new skin cells because meiosis is a cell division necessary for sexual reproduction only.

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No. Mitosis requires only one nuclear division (one cell producing a second cell). Meiosis has 2 mitotic steps - the first results in a parent and a daughter, the second then results in a parent and 3 daughter cells, therefore 2 nuclear divisions.

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Scheliden and Schwann

Cleavage furrow plus centrioles in cell division?

No. It is only found in animal cells undergoing cell division. Plant cells must form a cell plate in cytokinesis.