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No. A tubal ligation severes the connection between the ovaries and the uterus. The ovaries float above the outside of the uterus and the fallopian tubes are the only opening into the top of the uterus. The cevix is the mouth of the uterus and is at the bottom of the uterus. The cervix is in the vagina and is not open to the area where the ovaries are.

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Q: Does cervical cancer surgery affect tubal ligation's?
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Related questions

What are treatments for cervical cancer?

The various treatments for cervical cancer include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy depending on the type and stage of cancer that you've been diagnosed with.

Who does cervical cancer affect?

The woman who has it and her family/ friends.

What are good cervical cancer treatments?

Cervical cancer can be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, or by chemotherapy. The choices all have there own pros and cons. You would have to decide which is right for you.

Does the birth control pill affect cervical cancer injection?

No, it does not.

What types of cervical cancer treatments are available?

The three standard treatments for cervical cancer are surgery to remove the tumor, radiation, and chemotherapy. These may be used alone or in combination. Which treatment is used will depend on the stage and aggressiveness of the cancer.

What are some treatments for cervical cancer available today?

There are several ways that someone can treat cervical cancer but they may not be as effective as most might think since cervical cancer is very strong. Chemotherapy is one option, or having surgery is another option that most woman go for since the cancer would be fully removed.

Can a women who got cancer from hpv but had it operated on and is in remission still get pregnant?

If you had cancer due to HPV, you had part or all of your cervix removed. Pregnancy is not possible if all of the cervix was removed. If you did not go to the hospital and have this major surgery under general anesthesia, you did not have cervical cancer; instead, you may have had cervical dysplasia treated with a LEEP. Contact your health care provider to get a clearer picture of your diagnosis and its affect on future fertility.

Is cervical cancer free?

Yes. You do not need to pay to get cervical cancer.

Can cervical cancer cause cervical incompetence?

Cervical cancer itself does not directly cause cervical incompetence. Cervical incompetence, also known as an incompetent cervix, is a separate medical condition characterized by a weakened or insufficiently strong cervix, the lower part of the uterus. It can lead to the premature opening of the cervix during pregnancy, increasing the risk of preterm birth or miscarriage. Cervical cancer is a condition where malignant cells develop in the cervix, which can lead to various symptoms and complications related to cancer, but it is not the direct cause of cervical incompetence. However, treatments for cervical cancer, such as surgery to remove part or all of the cervix (e.g., a hysterectomy), can potentially impact cervical integrity and may be associated with cervical incompetence. It's important for individuals with cervical cancer or concerns about cervical health to consult with their healthcare providers for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management of any associated conditions.

What illness's can affect the reproductive system?

Prostate cancer Cervical cancer H.I.V./A.I.D.S. (can lead to infertility) Crabs Syphillis Gonorrhea Crohns

What other names is cervical cancer known by?

Cervical cancer is sometimes known by other names or terms, and these may include: Cervix Cancer: This is a straightforward term referring to cancer that originates in the cervix. Uterine Cervix Cancer: Specifies that the cancer occurs in the cervix of the uterus. Invasive Cervical Cancer: Refers to cancer that has invaded beyond the surface layer of the cervix. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Cervix: Describes the specific type of cervical cancer that originates in the squamous epithelial cells lining the cervix. Adenocarcinoma of the Cervix: Refers to cervical cancer that originates in the glandular cells of the cervix. Cervical Carcinoma: A more formal term for cancer of the cervix. Malignant Neoplasm of the Cervix: A medical term indicating a cancerous growth in the cervix. Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN): Refers to precancerous changes in the cervix that may progress to cervical cancer if left untreated.

What is a common treatment of cervical cancer?

Cervical cancer is a serious medical condition that requires evidence-based medical interventions. The standard treatments for cervical cancer, which have been extensively researched and proven effective, include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapies. These treatments are recommended by qualified medical professionals based on the individual's specific case, cancer stage, and overall health. While Ayurveda may offer supportive measures for overall well-being, claims of Ayurvedic treatments being the best or sole solution for cervical cancer should be approached with caution. It's important to prioritize evidence-based medical care and to consult with qualified healthcare professionals who specialize in oncology to determine the most appropriate and effective treatment plan for cervical cancer.