

Does chocolate stain

Updated: 11/11/2022
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13y ago

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Chocolate.. well it depends on the colour of your clothing, if its light there is more chance. The best thing to do is to take it off and put in stright onto a hot wash.. then it should be fine.

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Q: Does chocolate stain
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What are some good tips for chocolate stain removal?

Some tips for chocolate stain removal you can try Clorox 2 or Arm & Hammer. You can also try Resolve Stain Remover and try Finish Liquid Dish Detergent and Tide Boost Pre-Treat Spray. There are many other if you do a search on tips for chocolate stain removal.

What liquids stain clothes?

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Which of the two detergent until remove the chocolate stain with of damaging or decolorizing the blouse?

You can use Tide color safe bleach to remove chocolate stains without damaging or decolorizing the blouse. Also, you can use shout stain remover first before you place the blouse into the washing machine to help remove the stains.

How do you remove chocolate stain from modal fabric?

Scrape off the excess chocolate from the affected area. than use stain remover. or you can make your own with warm water and detergent. Always wash in cold water.

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because they is. they has peanut and chocolate and a delicious candy coating that doesn't stain your fingers like the chocolate ones do.

How do you get hot chocolate stain out of Iviva sweater?

Lick it off with your tongue; or a friend's tongue.

How do you get chocolate off the floor?

Chocolate is water soluble, so it will just require water and scrubbing. If it's a harder stain, scrub more vigorously

How can you remove a chocolate grease stain from a new sweatshirt?

Tide sticks work great then throw it in the wash.

Does food coloring stain your mouth?

no. there is not a colour that can overpower or show through chocolate.:):)

How do you get stains out of shirts?

Depends on the stain! I washed my son's blue tshirt a million times trying to get a chocolate stain out of it and finally tried hydrogen peroxide and rubbing alcohol! Worked like a charm! Greasy stains need dishwashing detergent. The key is to get to the stain ASAP and to NOT dry the garment in the dryer until the stain is removed. The dryer will set the stain!

What to clean chocolate up with on bedding?

First read the label on your bedding to insure any methods mentioned will not damage the fabric. If there are hardened pieces of chocolate still on the fabric, scrape them off with a butter knife. *If the stain has set in, flush the stain with club soda. Then use a product such a "Shout" stain remover to pre-treat,applying as directed on the label to the stain, then wash as normal. (this method may also work if the club soda is not used) *Dish detergents are often great for removing chocolate stains as they are degreasers. Apply dish detergent, and gently rub it in to cover the stain. Let set for 15 to 20 minutes, then wash as normal. *The stain can also be pre-treated by using your laundry detergent, though this may not be as affective.

How do you clean chocolate off fabric?

Hot water is the worst possible thing for stains. Hot water will cause the stain to set, making it permanent. If you spill coffee, spaghetti sauce, chocolate, anything like that on your clothes, you need to rinse it immediately with ice water. Then use a pre-treater, like Oxi-Clean or those Tide stain pens. THEN you put it in the wash. If the ice water and the pre-treater get the stain completely out, then you can use a regular setting. If the stain is still visible at all, then use the cold water setting.