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Yes, usually on the backs of the hands first. These are similar to "age spots, " but generally larger and they develop more rapidly and spread to the forearms. They may also appear on the face. These "Liver spots" are caused by a combination of reduced liver function and reduced circulation of blood to the surface of the skin. Thinning of the skin usually accompanies the spots, making the person more prone to bruising and superficial abrasions, which then take longer than normal to heal. Normally, the dark spots, for that matter, brown spots or yellow spots or whatever you call them, are caused by ultra violate rays of the sun. When the skin is exposed to sun for longer time, you get these spots. They are also called sun spots. These spots are also called age spots. They develop naturally with aging when their skin can't protect them from sunlight. But how these spots are related with liver dysfunctions is still to be established. I have seen so many alcoholics who don't have a dark or brown or yellow spots on their skin. But I have seen aged people having these spots on their skins. Any specialists can clear our doubts. Please do this. Thanks.

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Q: Does drinking alcohol cause dark spot on your body?
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