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No, but as any fruit they make you much more healthy and active!

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yes it relaxes your muscles and helps your body loosen up.

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Best see a medical practitioner

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Q: Does eating a banana help muscle soreness?
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How do you cure a sore leg?

It will depend on what was the reason for the soreness. If the leg was sore because you pulled a ligament, then it should be seen by a doctor. He will prescribe you medications for the pain. If the soreness is due to a wound lower than the soreness, the would may have been infected and need cleaning. The wound may have been big enough to cause soreness for surrounding muscle tissue. If the leg is sore because of long periods of standing up, then putting it up to increase blood circulation will help. Warm dry compress will also help to diminish the inflammation. Massaging is usually not advised as it may dislodge a possible blood clot lodged in a blood vessel.

Does eating tuna help to gain muscle?

Eating tuna helps to gain muscle because tuna is protein and protein builds muscle. However, to build muscle you need to exercise as well.

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no but eating chips is

Is eating a banana equivalent to eating a loaf of bread?

Although banana cake and banana bread have similar ingredients, they are very different in the way they are made and how the final product comes out. Banana cake is lighter in texture and is usually leavened with baking soda and buttermilk. Banana Bread is heavier and moister with baking powder and soda to help it rise.

Does eating fat foods help build muscle?

yes and no eating small amounts yes large amounts no

Exercising when sore?

It depends on the severity of the muscle soreness. If it's just typical stuff, a little exercise can help clear it up. If it's severe pain, you might want to get checked out in case you have a torn muscle or tendon.

Does eating egg every day help to build muscle?

eggs have alot of protein so yes they will help

Good flexibility has been shown to convey all of the following benefits EXCEPT?

Good body composition. Flexibility will help prevent injuries, enhance performance in sports and help prevent muscle soreness. It will not help body composition.

Are banana peppers good for you?

Food in general is good for you, the nutrients you get from eating help you survive. But as far as any health related bonuses no, there is no real health bonus to eating them.

What type of fermentation causes muscles to get sore when overworked?

People used to think that a build-up of lactic acid was the cause of muscle soreness. That is not true. Lactic acid has nothing to do with it, therefore the fermentation process the body uses to get the lactic acid into the muscles is also not true. Muscle soreness is caused by the damage done to the muscle fibers. Muscle biopsies taken on the day after hard exercise show bleeding and disruption of the z-band filaments that hold muscle tissue together as they slide over each other during a contration. Scientists can tell how much muscle damage has occurred by measuring blood levels of a muscle enzyme called CPK. CPK is a normally found in muscles and is released into the bloodstream when muscles are damaged. Those exercisers who have the highest post-exercise blood levels of CPK often have the most soreness. Many people think that cooling down by exercising at a slow pace after exercising more vigorously, helps to prevent muscle soreness. It doesn't, cooling down speeds up removal of lactic acid from muscles, but a build-up of lactic acid does not cause muscle soreness, so cooling down will not prevent it. Stretching does not help either, since post-exercise soreness is not due to contracted muscle fibers.

For muscle soreness and stiffness, how effective is chiropractic massage?

Chiropractic massages will help with sore muscles. They are very theraputic. You can also go to a certifed massage therapost for a regualar massage as well.

Why do you get foot cramps?

You may get foot cramps because you have low potassium. You should consider eating a banana every day to help.