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The risks for eating a lot of seafood fluctuate. If you love seafood, eat a variety of types from a variety of sources and there should be no problem. There is more danger in eating just one kind of seafood only that can be more prone to contamination than others or eating seafood from a single source.

For several years, I took a tuna sandwich to work for lunch every single day. I love tuna Sandwiches. My choice of brands was limited because I only like the kind that comes unsalted. That was until blood tests showed elevated Mercury levels, not dangerously high but it was recommended that I eat much less tuna.

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Q: Does eating more seafood increase the risk of cancer?
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Why are seafood restaurants closed on Monday?

Because there are no shipments during Sunday. So just in case you go to a restaurant on a Monday ordering something from the seafood menu would not be a good idea as more likely that seafood wont be fresh and possibly you would be eating something that was shipped last Friday and is possibly 3-4 days old. When it comes to seafood you always want it fresh.

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To eat healthy means to eat less but more often and to eat food that promotes metabolism: whole grains, lean meats, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

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Are mussels best seafood?

If you like mussels more than the other types of seafood, then yes.