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Q: Does edu mean that the website is a non profit organization?
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What does the URL edu mean?

.edu stands for education like a University website

What does com edu net org mean?

it means organization

What does suffix edu mean in a web address?

If a site has the suffix .edu then it is most likely is an education website.

Is edu more trustworthy than com?

Not necessarily. All that .com means it that the website that you are accessing is a company hence the .com. With .edu it just means that you are looking at an educational website hence the edu. If you are writing a paper then I would lean more towards a .edu website.

How do you get a backlink from a edu and a gov domain linking to your website for free?

To get a backlink from .edu and .gov domains is a difficult task, the easiest way i recommend that you can gain such backlinks is by taking part in projects run by such .edu domains. By projects i mean most .edu domains are owned by Universitys if you some how contribute to projects that they are undertaking you will be able to place a link to your website from your profile page.

What does the domain edu mean?

.Edu = education

What does edu means at the end of a website?

at the end of a website .edu mean that the website is an educational website, where the information posted, may be reliable.Answer = US educational institutions only.New registrations are restricted to educational institutions in the US, though there are some non-US educational institutions which registered a .edu URL before this restriction came in.Three letter codes are supposed to be international. Two letter codes are countries, so it should be, same as it is etc., but I don't know if this anomaly will ever be fixed.

What does the acronym EDU stand for?

The acronym EDU stands for the word education. In terms of a browser search, this acronym means that the website link is for a verified educational institution. Any website that has EDU as the domain will probably be a reliable source of information.

Where can one find information about the website UTC edu?

There are many websites and resources that offer information on the website UTC edu. The best way to get information on The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is to visit the website.

What do edu mean?


Why should put edu in web address?

An educational institution will put a .edu to complete their web address to show that they are indeed a non-profit institute organized for educational purposes.

How do you know if a website is creditable?

If a website ends with .edu or .gov, odds are that it is credible. You should also look for an author on the site and look into the author (credentials and such) and when the site was last updated. Another thing to look for is whether the website is endorsed by a stable, creditable organization or group.