

Does exercise help you to develop a faster metabolism?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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10y ago

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Exercise does increase metabolism depending on the types of exercise programs used and the duration of that training session. Aerobic exercise keeps resting metabolism rates boosted after the activity is complete, but only for a short time. Strength training, however, will increase overall metabolism over time, as muscle mass uses more calories overall to maintain, so as muscle is increased so is the metabolic rate needed to sustain that mass.

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Q: Does exercise help you to develop a faster metabolism?
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Green Tea will boost your metabolism. Biotin will help with fat metabolism, and cinnamon for boosting a sugar metabolism. The only thing that really helps with metabolism though is exercise. Your metabolism goes up when your boby feels you need to take more energy from the food' in a sense. Regular exercise is what you need for any noticable metabolism boost

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Yes!To some degree almonds will help to speed up your overall metabolism, but not by much and there are certainly better foods that will help you. A full list of them can be found at by following the link at the bottom of the page. But no matter what you eat there is no better metabolism enhancer then exercise, so if you are looking to lose weight by eating a lot of metabolic enhancing foods you will always do better if you include a good exercise program.

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Not especially so; what matters more is the % of fat on your body as well as your metabolism. THC is stored in fat cells, so the less you have, the less you'll be able to store; and obviously the faster you burn it the faster it will exit your system. Water Exercise Fiber Aspirin That'll help you to pass.

How does exercise effect what you eat?

Typically, exercise can affect how your body digests the food you ingest, or your metabolism. The metabolism aids the digestive function. Weight loss and weight control are a direct result of the metabolism. Moreover, people describe their metabolisms as either 'high' or 'low.' The two differ in that 'high' metabolisms refer to people who are able to manage their weight with more ease, whereas a person with a 'low' metabolism may find it easier to gain, or more difficult to lose weight. Exercise has been known to have a direct effect on the metabolism, 'kick starting' it, and increasing the chances of losing weight, or not gaining weight when eating less-than-healthy foods.