

Does fat slow you down

Updated: 11/1/2022
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13y ago

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In the sense in which you probably meant it (Does carrying extra fat slow you down while running or playing games?) the answer is yes: fat is mass, and moving more mass takes more work.

However, having a store of fat is a benefit during certain endurance events, such as running a marathon or swimming the English Channel. In those cases, the body exhausts its usual energy source (carbohydrates) and after a period of exhaustion -- known colloquially as 'the wall' -- it switches over and begins to burn its fat stores directly.

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you eat too many sugary and fatty foods so do not otherwise u will become really unhealthy and compute calories from fat. fat is very unhealthy and can slow u down on a lot of things. it is said that fat slows your brain and the process of thinking down.

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