

Does fission occur in the body?

Updated: 10/23/2022
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14y ago

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No nuclear fission occurs in the body.

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Q: Does fission occur in the body?
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What is sun fission?

Fission does not occur in the sun, it is fusion which produces the sun's energy

When does fission occur in a star?

Never, only fusion

Where does the reaction occur in nuclear fission?

Nuclear energy

Spontaneous nuclear fission processes occur by?

chain reactions

Nuclear fission can occur in?

A critical assembly of fissile material

When would mitosis occur in amoeba?

Amoeba reproduces by binary fission .

How does cell division occur in prokaryotes?

Prokaryottic cells divide by binary fission , it replicates its DNA then divide the cell into two by cytokineses.

Why is fission important to the splitting of the atom?

The term fission generally means to split into parts. When we talk about splitting the atom, we generally apply the term nuclear fission to the process. Nuclear fission, the breaking apart of an atomic nucleus, can occur spontaneously, or it can occur as the result of the bombarding of a nucleus with radiation. Nuclear fission is covered in another related question, and it is linked below.

Can Nuclear fission occur in quarks?

Currently, it can't. May be it could be in future.

For a chain reaction occur each fission must produce at least ____more fission reaction?

its 1 i think

Name two ways that nuclear fission is currently being used?

first it occur in nature and second it occur in power plant

What are the consequences of nuclear fission for the earth?

The main consequence is the production of quantities of highly active fission products which would not occur naturally, and which will have to be carefully stored for thousands of years.