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Q: Does high intake of antibiotics will kill the bacteria living in the gut which synthesize vitamin C?
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Which vitamin is synthesized by human body?

There are 4 forms of vitamin D, and the important ones are synthesized by the reaction between UV rays and cholesterol in our skin. Vitamin K2 is synthesized in the guts by bacteria. Vitamin B3 Niacin is synthesized in small amounts by gut bacteria. Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid is synthesized in small amounts by gut bacteria. Vitamin B7 Biotin is synthesized in small amounts by gut bacteria. Vitamin B9 Folic Acid is synthesized in small amounts by gut bacteria. Vitamin B12 is synthesized in the guts by bacteria.

Vitamin b is good in daily intake?

That is true you do need vitamin D in your daily intake

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insufficient vitamin intake

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How do you reduce vitamin D in body?

The only way to reduce vitamin D in the body is to stop intake of vitamin D.

How can you intake vitamin for the eyes?

yes, but i would recommend not to.

Is excessive vitamin b intake harmful?


What vitamin destroy vitamin K in the intestines?

Vitamin K is not destroyed by any specific vitamin in the intestines. However, certain medications or substances can interfere with the absorption or utilization of vitamin K in the body. These include: Vitamin K antagonists: Medications such as warfarin (Coumadin) and other anticoagulants work by inhibiting the function of vitamin K in the clotting process. They interfere with the activity of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, which can reduce the blood's ability to clot effectively. However, they do not destroy vitamin K itself. Orlistat: Orlistat is a medication used for weight loss that works by blocking the absorption of dietary fat. Since vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin, the use of orlistat may potentially reduce the absorption of vitamin K from food. However, it does not directly destroy vitamin K. Broad-spectrum antibiotics: Some studies suggest that long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics may disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, potentially affecting the synthesis of vitamin K by the intestinal bacteria. This could reduce the availability of vitamin K in the body, but it does not destroy vitamin K. It's important to note that these substances do not destroy vitamin K itself but rather interfere with its utilization or absorption in the body. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting, bone health, and other physiological functions, so it is important to ensure an adequate intake of vitamin K-rich foods or supplements when necessary. If you have concerns about your vitamin K levels or interactions with certain medications, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian who can provide personalized advice based on your specific situation and medical history.

How much vitamin a is in a cutie?

59% of your needed daily intake.

How do you increase your vitamin c intake?

Eat citrus fruits and brassicas. Alternatively by some Vitamin C tablets.

Does the intake of vitamin D cause breast growth?

No, consuming Vitamin D does not cause breast growth or enlargement.

Who is least likely to need a vitamin supplement?

People with a diet of regular and adequate intake of foods rich in vitamin A; or taking vitamin A supplements.