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It is not necessarily cancer. High count of white protein cells in blood indicates that the body is struggling against some kind of infection or any disease. The reason behind this is that the white protein cells are the cells that are responsible for immunity of the body and fight against any harmful or foreign body. So whenever body is attacked by any infection or disease the body fights against it by producing more and more white cells. Yeah but it is also a test that is performed to examine cancer.

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Q: Does high white cell count protein in blood pain in bones mean cancer?
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Would a blood count of 600 constitute cancer?

If this number is for a white blood cell count, then it may indicate cancer of the blood or bone marrow, or cancer that has metastasized somewhere in the body. The normal blood count for white blood cells is between 3,500 and 10,500. A count below 1000 is cause for concern.

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A bone profile blood test measures for protein in the blood. If a bone profile low protein and inflammation was one of the results in your blood count, it means that an infection is present.

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The white blood cells are the immunity and defense of a body. A person with bladder cancer may experience a high white blood cell count because their body is fighting to destroy the cancer.

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A low protein count in a blood sample can be an indication of underlying problems. A follow up with a doctor should include questions about the cause and remediation to correct the issue.

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You have high white blood cell count protein in your urine and severe itching what condition do you have?

Well my dog has the same thing as that and they said he could have cancer or prostateitus or however you spell it it is an infection in the prostate.

Does white blood cell count go up if you have cancer?

White blood cell count goes down. Red stays the same.

Does cancer always result in high white blood cell count?

Typically, high white blood count indicates an infection. In the early stages of cancer, white blood count does not typically change. So, no, a high white blood count isn't really a sign of cancer in the early stages. You'd know you have cancer well before your blood cells do. It is, however a good idea to run additional tests to know why your cell count is high.

What does a count of 25000 of white blood cells indicate?

It indicates that you have an elevated white blood count. An elevated white blood count is not specific for any condition, and may be caused by hundreds, if not thousands of conditions and medications.

Cancer runs in my family My white blood cell count went from 10000 to 12800 I A week Is that ok?

If cancer runs in your family and your white blood cell count went from 10000 to 12800, it is not okay and you should seek an expert advice.

What illnesses have the symptom of a low blood count?

Illnesses such as haemophilia and cancer affecting the bonemarrow both affect the blood count in bad ways, resulting in low white blood cell counts and low blood counts.

What can cause low red blood cell count in pneumonia?

The disporia or disportion of farmia, a cell based substance that has a high protein count.