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Yes, iron can change the color of your stool. It will generally make it appear a bit darker, almost black at times.

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14y ago

Yes the color can change when you take extra iron. It can turn black.

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Q: Does iron make bowel movements darker?
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A good high-fiber cereal can be one way to increase the overall fiber intake. A diet high in fiber can help regulate bowl movements by providing bulk to the stools. Make sure to drink plenty of water in addition to increasing fiber to make bowel movements easier.

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Make sure you eat a diet high in fiber. Monitor bowel movements and if you notice bowel pain or that significantly more time has passed than usual without a movement contact the doctor.

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you wouldn't be able to poo and it is very painful.Being constipated.

What are stuff that I can try at home to take bowel movements?

Here are some things that you can try at home to help bowel movements. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Some things to make you go are: prunes, pears, broccoli, flax seeds, beans, peaches, pineapple juice, figs and whole grains such as oatmeal and bran cereals.

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i think that u usually pat their backs. that works for me anyway just make sure they have a diper on

Can you move your bowels if you have a tampon in?

Yes, you can make bowel movements when you're wearing a tampon.A tampon goes into your vaginal canal and your bowel movements leave your body via your anus, they are two different canals so a tampon in the vagina is unlikely to cause problems. Sometimes if a tampon is at an angle or expanded it can put a little pressure on the anus which can sometimes make bowel movements a little more difficult, but if it is a problem just remove the tampon.It is a good idea to make sure your tampon string (if using tampons with strings) are out of the way, otherwise you're going to get poop on the tampon string which is very unhygienic.

What are some causes of bowel problems?

Certain foods can cause the stomach to act funky such as spicy, fried, and oily foods. These types of foods can definitely cause bowel problems such as constipation and diarrhea. A good way to make sure bowel movements are consistent and get the digestive system on track is to higher the fiber content in your diet.

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Why is the skin around the anus darker?

For one thing, the skin around the anus represents a change from external epithelium (skin) to the internal epithelium that lines the end of the digestive tract. These layers overlap and make that small region of skin thicker. Another thing is that the epithelium surrounding the anus is more keratinised than the surrounding skin and thus appears darker.