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Q: Does isoniazid tablets cause flu like symptoms?
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Can a Staph infection cause flu like symptoms?

Yes it does.

What are long-term vomiting and diarrhea symptoms of?

a food intolerance like celiac disease can cause these symptoms.

What causes symptoms like a cold?

Usually viruses cause cold-like symptoms, such as the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu, but, other diseases and disorders can also include similar symptoms and so can toxic effects from chemicals and drugs.

Anyone ever get flu like symptoms from poison oak sumac rash?

It's not common for poison oak to cause flu symptoms. However, it can cause allergy symptoms which can appear similar to those of a flu.

What drugs cause a positive ana test result?

Certain medications, such as hydralazine, isoniazid, procainamide, and some anticonvulsant medications increase the chances of having a positive ANA test and biologic medications like Remicade, Humira, Enbrel can cause false positive results.

When your house is infested with mold what are the health symptoms?

When a home is infested with mold can cause respiratory symptoms. Other symptoms that are common are allergy like symptoms of itchy eyes and runny nose.

What are the symptoms for water born diseases?

Most of them cause GI symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, fever and just feeling unwell.

What is symptomatic of listeriosis in newborns?

Listeriosis may cause flu-like symptoms and the infection can be transmitted prenatally even if the mother has no symptoms.

What conditions might cause ADHD symptoms in early childhood?

In early childhood, exposure to lead or other toxins can cause ADHD-like symptoms. Traumatic brain injury or neurological disorders may also trigger ADHD symptoms.

Can valley fever cause abdominal pain?

Valley fever can cause abdominal pain because it causes flu-like symptoms.

Can a tetanus shot cause nausea?

Yes, nausea is one of the symptoms of a tetanus shot. You may also have flu like symptoms and that is also from the shot.

What type of agent would cause symptoms like drooling or coughing and vomiting?

nerve agent