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Yes, it does. But that is part of the laxative process. The flatulence is absorbed by bowel movement and moves it all along.

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Q: Does lactulose cause flatulance
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Can lactulose cause bleeding?

Lactulose cannot, by itself, cause bleeding.

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What foods can cause you to have flatulance and cause a bad odor?

It depends on the digestive system of the individual. Beans (such as chili), brussel sprouts, broccoli, some peppers, spices, etc. will cause a build-up of gas and thus flatulance.

Do you give a diabetic lactulose?

Yes, but does lactulose cause diabetes blood sugar increase?

What is a quef?

This is vaginal flatulance.

Can lactulose cause weight gain?

Lactulose is a non-digestible sugar, thus minimal calories will be absorbed. Weight may fluctuate as is an osmotic laxative. Simply put, water is drawn through the colon walls and is expelled w/ feces. It can cause water weight loss.

What is lactulose source or method of production?

lactulose is manufactured by enzymatic isomerization of lactose.

Why is flatulence almost always associated with fat people?

Flatulance is often associated with eating starchy foods. Many fat people tend to overeat and eat a lot of starchy foods which would cause them to produce more gas, resulting in more flatulance. Skinny, medium or obese, people can have flatulance and it can be caused by some foods (such as baked beans, Chili, spicy foods, eggs, beer, etc.) and WE ALL have flatulance to some degree. However, the above poster is correct in saying that obese people can have more flatulance than others because the tend not to exercise as much because of packing the extra weight.

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Is lactulose fattening?

Very little of lactulose is digested. It won't add to weight gain.

Why does lactulose taste like coconut?

Lactulose has an overly sweet taste but does not taste like coconut.

Can holding back flatulance give you cancer?
