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No, they travel at the same speed.

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Q: Does light in air travel faster than radiation from microwave oven?
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Can X-rays travel faster then yellow light in a vacuum?

No. All forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the speed of light.

How long does it take for a microwave radar signal to travel from Earth to the Moon and back?

Approximately 2.5 secs. A 'microwave' is an electro-magnetic radiation, in the same manner as light, and uv. radiation. Being an electro-magnetic radiation it will travel at the speed of light, which is 'c' = 3.8 x 10^8 m/s

Does artificial light travel as fast as natural light?

The radiation that a laser emits ... whether it's visible light, infrared, or microwave, has all the same physical characteristics as electromagnetic radiation from other sources has, including speed.

Can microwave travel through vacuum?

A microwave is near the "red" side of the electromagnetic scale. All electromagnetic travels at the same rate. Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation which travels through a vacuum (space). Thereofore, being a part of electormagnetic radiation, microwaves will travel through a vacuum.

Is light energy used in a microwave oven?

The microwave energy in a microwave oven is of a much lower frequency than light, but light is electromagnetic energy like the microwave radiation is.

What type of light waves can travel through a vacuum?

Light spectrum is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. Electromagnetic waves travel better and faster (light speed in vacuum) in vacuum.

When electrons travel faster than the speed of light in a particular medium a beautiful deep-blue light occurs This effect is called?

Cerenkov radiation.

How do microwave ovens allow light to escape but not microwaves?

Both visible light and microwave radiation are different variations of the same electromagnetic energy. Visible light has infinitesimally small wavelengths, and therefore it can pass through the screen holes. Microwave radiation has much larger wavelengths, and these wavelengths are too big to "fit" through the screen holes, and therefore the screen appears solid to the microwave radiation. The microwave radiation is therefore completely reflected by the screen.

Why do you need radiation?

to run machines like cars to run a microwave or even light has radiation

Can echoes travel faster than light?

No. Nothing can travel faster than light.

Can visible light travel faster in a vacuum than both xrays and radio waves?

No. We call it the "speed of light", but it's also the speed of radio, X-rays, heat, ultraviolet, microwave, gamma rays, etc, and all forms of electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed, as long as they're in the same medium (vacuum or material substance).

Is infrared light faster than microwave light?

All light travels at the same speed