

Best Answer cousin is not married and she lives with a has lived with him for 2 years...and she is not pregnant..and she is not ready to get married...but every realtionship is diffent. An individual's morals are based on their own character and values, not the social perception of a living arrangement (living together, marriage). Social standards have changed--the very idea of women going to college and not getting married and having children would have been considered unthinkable only two hundred years ago. Marriage is now more seen as just another lifestyle choice than a necessary step for 'respectable' women, thanks to better educational/job opportunities for women and the availability of Birth Control. Some people live together to see if they are compatible before deciding to get married; some people have no interest in the institution of marriage and prefer to remain legally single. Basically, the old stereotypes don't always hold true-- not all women in this day and age want to get married; there are men who do want to get married; and both married and single people have unwanted pregnancies.

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Q: Does living with a boy outside of wedlock show a lack of morals and always lead to unwanted pregnancy and the slim possibility of ever getting married?
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