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Q: Does magnetizing seeds before planting affect their growth and how?
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Does magnetizing a seed before planting affect growth?

Seeds are not metal, therefore they cannot be magnetized, which makes this question is irrelevant.

Does magnetizing a seed affect its growth?

No. How deep you plant it, how much water you give it upon planting it, and whether it is exposed to sunlight or not does.

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Potatoes sense that the sun is lower in the sky in fall and this is when the plant shifts from leaf growth to root growth. Putting potatoes out into a frost free source of light before planting is called chitting.

Does manhandling a plant affect its growth?

You can improve the growth of a plant by trimming or ripping the roots apart when you are planting it. This will encourage the roots to put on new growth and can improve the root structure, and therefore the health and vigour of a plant. This is expecially important when you are planting something that has been in a pot for a long time.

How does softening of the seed coats before planting affect the growth rate?

Softening of seed coats helps the seed germinate. After soaking the seed in hot water (do not boil), for 5-6 hours the coat will soft. Plant immediately after taking the seed out of the water.

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No it does not affect seed growth!!!!!

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Growth hormone (GH) regulates the body's growth. Patients who lose supply of this hormone before physical maturity will suffer impaired growth. Loss of the hormone can also affect adults.

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no it does not it helps growth