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Folic acid, also known as folate, causes neural tube defects and disorders like spinal bifida.

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It's been seen that a lack of folic acid in a pregnant woman's diet can cause spina bifida. Folic acid can be found in many foods and also in prenatal vitamins prescribed by a physician.

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Q: Does niacin deficiency causes neural tube defects?
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How can niacin deficiency be treated?

Niacin deficiency can be treated effectively with replacement of niacin in the diet. In the case of Hartnup disease, large quantities of niacin may be required for effective reversal of symptoms.

Pellagra is caused due to deficiency of?

It is due to the deficiency of Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

What is pelllagra?

A niacin or vitamin b3 deficiency.

What does a niacin deficiency produce?

Niacin deficiency produces pellagra characterized by diarrhea, skin rashes, brain dysfunction, tongue, mouth and vaginal irritation, and trouble swallowing.

What are the symptoms of niacin deficiency?

Niacin, or vitamin B3 occurs in most grains, especially whole grains. Severe deficiency of niacin (which is usually associated with malnutrition, or starvation) causes the disease pellagra. The main symptoms of untreated pellagra are the "4 D's": Diahrrea, dermatitis (red sores or itching), dementia and death. In previous generations, niacin was sometimes called Vitamin PP (for Prevents Pellagra.) The body can create niacin from tryptophan, an amino acid that occurs in milk and meat. People who eat little protein have an increased need for niacin. Many people believe that a mild niacin deficiency slows the metabolism and decreases tolerance to cold. The daily requirement for niacin ranges from 12mg in children to 18 mg in pregnant and nursing women. Niacin defiencies tend to occur only in areas where people eat corn (or maize) instead of wheat, rye or other grains. That's because corn contains niacin in a form the body cannot use. When corn meal or flour is processed with lime, it releases the niacin. One way to prevent a niacin deficiency is to take a daily multi-vitamin and eat a balanced diet including whole grains and poultry, milk, meat, and eggs.

Is niacin causes hematoma?

No. Niacin is a vitamin. Nicotinic acid

What disease did Joseph Goldberger show to be caused by a deficiency of niacin in 1915?


Will niacin cause a rash and hives in the sun?

niacin causes hives?

How would an athlete's performance be affected by a niacin deficiency?

Not being able to perform their best

Is a person with a disorder that limits absorption of bile at increased risk for deficiency of niacin?

The answer is folate.

What is is niacin?

In a terse manner, Niacin (B3) is used in the human body to form coenzymes NAD and NADP - two very important components that are involved in energy production. Pellagra is the main deficiency of Niacin.

What is Vitamin B3 deficiency disease?

Pellagra is a Vitamin B3 (Niacin) deficiency disease. It is caused by severe and prolonged deficiency of Vitamin B3. Symptoms are bilateral dermatitis, dementia, and diarrhea. A prolonged and severe niacin deficiency may cause depression and neurasthenia (weakening of muscles).A deficiency in Vitamin B3 can cause depression, memory loss, canker sores and fatigue.