

Best Answer

no! organic food is the same as normal food but mor healthier.

One day we will all die, no one will live for ever.

If this the answer you were looking for than good.

Soory if i got it wrong!

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Q: Does organic food help you live longer?
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Does organic food make you love longer?

There are at least two studies that suggest fruit flies fed organic foods lived longer. That does not necessarily mean that people who eat organic foods live longer, but since organic foods do not have the additives and preservatives that may be harmful to health, and synthetic fertilizers and pesticides are not used on organically-grown foods, it is certainly possible that people who eat them live longer.

How can organic food help you live a better lifestyle?

Eating organic food makes you live a better life style because you feel really good inside and in a good mood because there natural with no pestisides.

How does organic food let you live better?

Organically grown food is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It is non-GMO and if truly organic, does not contain artificial and possibly carcinogenic or harmful ingredients. Organic food is healthier for those reasons, and should help you live a healthier life.

Will drinking water help you live longer?

=yes it will help you live longer=

How breakfast can help a person to live longer?

Eating breakfast can't help you live longer; living healthy can.

What is the target market of organic dog food?

i think target market of organic dog food is the dog that want to live a healthier life .

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get a dogs bow and put food in it .side of the dog bow?

and also dogs in water in the dog bow when they want to drink , and it will help them stay live longer with food .

Does charcoal help minnows live longer?

Yes Soak A Bag Of Charcoal And they will live longer

How is orgnatic food good for you?

Organic food usually is grown with no known chemicals or additives that usually go into other non-organic foods. Most people who live eating organic food swear that they are in better health and in better shape because of eating organic foods. So, the general consensus is yes that organic food is good for you.

Is organic food reliable?

Yes, organic food is definitely very reliable. It is is something which is very useful for you and your environment and is healthy too. You should opt for organic food to live a healthy and comfortable life in a healthy environment. You should have a sustainable dish on a sustainable table.

Do parasites live on dead organic matter?

Yes parasites do live on dead organic matter as it depends on the dead organism for food.