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Some women say they can feel it, but I never have even noticed when, so its different for every woman

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Q: Does ovulation feel like a period?
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Why do you I feel moist a week before your period?

Throughout your menstrual cycle hormonal changes will change your discharge. Around a week leading up to ovulation (ovulation occurs two weeks before your period) you will get fertile quality cervical mucus which is a stretchy gooey discharge like egg-whites. After ovulation your discharge can get heavier, thicker, and more lotion-like which may make you feel more 'moist'.

Is it normal to feel pains before menral period?

Yes. Ovulation can also hurt.

Is it normal to have menstrual like cramp but not on period?

You can also cramp during ovulation.

Feelings in both ovaries after ovulation is that a sign of pregnancy?

No. This is normal and you may feel little pains or cramps every month around the time of ovulation. The main sign of pregnancy is a lack of a period.

What if your period is August 10 when is your ovulation date?

Before you can calculate your ovulation day, you must first determine, the date of your last period's first day and you need to know your menstrual cycle. This two information is needed in order for you to calculate your ovulation using an ovulation calculator. The date of your period is not enough information, to calculate ovulation.

When is a womans ovulation period?

Each woman has her own unique ovulation period. They can be tested through over the counter ovulation kits or by tracking a woman's cycle during a calendar month, starting the week after her period ends.

Why do you have cramps starting 17 days after your period stopped?

This is probably caused by ovulation (releasing an egg) This occurs around 17 days after your period and many women feel cramps when they are ovulating

Can vaginal bleeding feel like a period?

That is a period.

Your body temperature 99.5 high after 9th days have pass after my ovulation is it sign of pregnancy?

Not yet. You're period is not even late yet. Your body temperature rises after ovulation up until your period starts. Mine goes up to 99.4 at times, makes me feel miserable.

Why do i feel ovulation pain 2 times a month and a day or 2 before my period?

ovulation pain approximately 2 weeks after and before your period is common. the pain sensation is the egg being released. an egg being released from your ovaries is almost like (excuse the description) 'popping a spot' the egg is forced from the ovaries in such a way that you can feel the pain and sometimes suffer from acute lower backpains. the pain before your period is common as it is because your womb is shedding its protective layer. it contracts and relaxes which is why you get 'cramps'.

I get period 6.4.2012 when is my ovulation day?

you can expect ovulation 11- 15 day after you period started.If you have regular cycles your ovulation will hapens 20.4.2012.For more acurate resulate yuo must use a ovulation predictory kit.With this kit you will predict 24 before ovulation will occour.

Miss my period 1 month next ovulation date?

You need to have a monthly cycle to track ovulation by dates, otherwise you need to learn other signs of ovulation like changes in cervical mucus. See info at link.