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Not yet. You're period is not even late yet. Your body temperature rises after ovulation up until your period starts. Mine goes up to 99.4 at times, makes me feel miserable.

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Q: Your body temperature 99.5 high after 9th days have pass after my ovulation is it sign of pregnancy?
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How many days ofter ovulation would a pregnancy test be positive?

After 16 days of ovulation a pregnancy test be positive.

How soon after conception can EPTs be performed?

Using an early pregnancy test or EPT, you can test for pregnancy 15-16 days after a positive ovulation test, or 14 days after ovulation.

How long does it take temperature to rise after ovulation?

It does not take long for your temperature to rise after ovulation. It can rise slightly the day of ovulation but will also continue to rise over the next few days. In order to confirm ovulation took place you will need a rise in temperature over three days.

When earliest can one detect pregnancy after your periods?

10 days after ovulation.

When is the more like time for a woman to get pregnancy?

If your cycle is of 28 days, then on day 14, or if cycle is of 30 days on day 16 of menses you have ovulation. If you take morning temperature on the bed only, after ovulation, there is slight rise of temperature on the after ovulation,keeping it higher till menses comes or if pregnancy results, then through out pregnancy.There are high chances of pregnancy, if there is sexual contact on the day before,(Guess work.) on the day of ovulation and next day. It may take 3 to 6 months to become pregnant but get thoroughly examined up by your Gynecologist and she is the Best Judge in individual case.

How do you plan pregnancy?

My suggestions are to to take an at home ovulation test (it estimates your expected time of ovulation) and take your basal body temperature daily to help keep better track of your cycles. Be sure to take Folic Acid at least three months before conception. Folic Acid is what helps the baby form properly. * Conception usually occurs about 5-7 days after intercourse * Your most fertile period is about 5 days before ovulation * For most(but not all)women ovulation occurs about 14 days prior to her period.

How soon can you take a blood test to confirm pregnancy?

9 days past ovulation would be the soonest, but it is best to wait 14 days past ovulation.

When can you see the sings of pregnancy after ovulation period?

For most women the first sign of pregnancy is a missed menstrual period however some women experience pregnancy symptoms as early as 8-10 days past ovulation.

How many weeks before you can use pregnancy test?

8-10 days after ovulation

How soon can you have sypmtoms of pregnancy after intercourse?

The symptoms start about 10 days post ovulation....

Can you find out if you pregnant in a week?

No. Blood tests can be considered accurate around 10 days after ovulation and home pregnancy tests can be considered accurate around 14 days after ovulation.

How many days dose ovulation last?

Ovulation has a 3 days window. Day one you are beginning to ovulate, day two you are ovulating and day three you are finishing ovulation. During this time there is a high risk of pregnancy.