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My undergraduate degree is in psychology, however I am not a psychologist. That being said, let us first take a look at the definition of "cognition." Cognition involves the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. To answer your question, yes human personality does involve cognitive abilities. Still, if you ask what makes up personality in sum, then I would say that personality is the combination of many components, and there are many schools of thought. Hopefully, some one will add to this who has the ability to explain an enormous subject without writing a book on this site. Personality is a life-long learning process and it would still be only the tip of the iceberg. Viper1

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No, personality and cognitive abilities are considered distinct constructs. Personality refers to individual differences in patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, while cognitive abilities are related to intellectual functioning such as memory, problem-solving, and processing information.

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Q: Does personality include cognitive abilities
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