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Q: Does pickles have active cultures in them?
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Are there active cultures in Great Value brand yogurt?

The great value brand from Walmart has no information on live active cultures

Why do they put pickles on burgers?

It is unknown why sandwiches are served with pickles. Some say that they are a good combination. Others say that they are clueless. It's just a matter of opinion.

Does McDonald's yogurt parfait contain active cultures?

According to the source in the Related Links, McDonald's uses a Grade A low-fat milk in their yogurt that contains active cultures.

What are some name brand foods with active cultures?

live cultures can be found mostly in foods that were once living or come from animal. a few examples, are meat, bread, cheese, and milk. these are the most common foods that contain live cultures. about milk though, when milk first comes out of the cow, it has plenty of live cultures in it but most milk we drink doesn't. this is because all milk in America is pasteurized. during pasteurization, most live cultures are killed. this might sound good to you but when milk is pasteurized, 75 percent of good bacteria and healthy minerals are killed. this means that it takes three cups of milk to get the value of one unpasteurized cup. if you can find milk that isn't pasteurized, it will have live cultures. back to the subject, cheese, bread and meat are the most common foods that have live cultures because unpasteurized milk is illegal.

Does frozen yogurt contain probiotics?

No. Frozen yogurt does not contain the active cultures (probotics) that non frozen yogurt has. If it has acidophilus listed in the ingredients, or if it lists live active cultures, then it has probiotics. But this is only in yogurt in the refrigerated dairy section, not the frozen kind.

Are pickles fruity?

No, pickles are not fruity. Unless you have fruity pickles.

Are All frozen yogurts are made with real yogurt that contains probiotics live and active cultures?


How long can pickles be open?

Pickles can be open for weeks! Acid in pickles kill germs and protect the pickles.

What ingredients is yogurt made out of?

Milk and active cultures. Cultures include Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Other ingredients can be sweeteners, flavoring, cream, fruit, etc.

What does emacipation?

pickles pickles

What type of pickles does subway use?

Dill pickles.

What is the brand of pickles that mcdonalds uses?

McDonalds manufactures it own pickles, but the style of pickles they use are dill pickles.