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Sometimes; it can also make the pimple worse because even though it seems like you're getting stuff out, you're also pushing bacteria deeper in; popping pimples also leaves scars over time (you may not see them now, but just wait 10 years and you'll start to see pits and discolouration in your skin).

Just get rid of your pimples naturally or use some biore or acne product to get rid of them. If these don't work, ask your doctor for a referral to a dermatologist, even if you think the problem isn't severe. There's no reason to suffer!

If it really seems like a pimple is ready to pop, wash your hands, scrape/clean under your nails, wash your face, and then gently pull the skin away from the pimple (rather than pushing towards the pimple) -- if the pimple is ready, it will pop this way, and also this way you're doing less damage to your skin and avoiding pushing bacteria into the pimple. Another "safe" way to pop pimples, if necessary, is to squeeze like normal but use two Qtips instead of your fingers.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes. Let me enlighten you. When you pop a zit, it often tends to pop to the outside of your body, crashing into the mirror, something like that. But sometimes, the way you pop it, makes it pop from the inside, and makes the pus contaminate other areas of your skin, and that will make other zits to appear.

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9y ago

Yes. When you pop a pimple, only some of the puss and dirt explodes and comes out of your pores. The rest of it explodes inside your pores, causing more pimples. So, don't pop pimples because it's just gonna cause more pimples that none of us want. I got all of this information straight from my doctor.

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14y ago

I have found that popping zits can squeeze the infection farther down in your skin and lead to infection. I have also found that Maalox (a stomach medicine) helps your face. Take a cotton ball and put Maalox on it and coat your face in it. let it dry and rinse it off in the morning.

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12y ago

Some doctors say it's bad to pop pimples but if you wait till there plump Pointy then you pop them it isn't bad

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Why are people fascinated with zit popping?

yes and no. they like popping pimples because most people believe in buety. no because it hurts and also it could cause more pimples

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i think of couse you can. it is actually based on my experience. after popping my pimples i'll wash my face using my regular face cleanser then i'll applying my toner and antiseptics.. it works as no more pimples and my pores closed. but i'm not sure about it in the eyes of medicine..

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It can pop a blood vessel or somthin and you could die. Popping pimples can also leaves scars

Is it bad to pop anything on your face like pimples and warts?

The bad thing about popping zits, etc, is that you are spreading the bacteria to the other pores in your face, hense, more pimples. Warts should be looked at by your physician. LPN By popping white heads and black heads.. you open the pores up and stretch them. It's traumatic for the skin to heal from such things.

What are fun games to play on addicting games com?

there is a game where you pop the pimples it is really gross but fun at the same time so if you want to play that game just search in popping pimples and it should appear

Do pimples have a white tip on them?

It depends on how they form. All pimples are is dead skin under your living skin. That's why pimples appear white. Most normal pimples have a white tip to them when the dead skin reaches the surface and bubbles out. "Blackheads" are like pimples, but they are a space of where dirt or other dirty substancehas entered one's skin through popping of a pimple. So, yes, pimples have white tips on them when they reach the surface of your skin.

Does pill addiction give you pimples?

pill addiction can make u have pimples because the pills will have an underpants party with the hormones that give u zits and create new things called pimples

Does vasaline get rid of pimples?

No, in fact, it will probably clog the pores of your face, creating more pimples.

Is it safe to pop a pimple with a needle?

Popping pimples only causes more pimples. It is not safe to pop a pimple with a needle because it may get infected. Put ice on it and then wet paper towel and stick it on alternate and continue. This causes redness and swelling to dissipate. Also taking vitamins drinking water and eating healthy will get rid of zits. According to my experience popping pimples is pretty efficient. I suppose it depends on the skin. Of course you should note: *Don't pop pimples if they're very small (no to little pus and no to little protrusion above skin). * Pop them properly, remove most or all of the pus. Some bleeding is fine. * Wash thoroughly after so the wound is clean.