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It will help, but a much better solution is to remove the battery cables, clean the connections and then use baking soda to neutralize the corrosion.

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Q: Does pouring coke on car battery get rid of corrosion?
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Does pouring hot water on car battery get rid of corrosion?

Just use a Coca cola.

Can you give me a sentence with the word corrosion?

The car battery is NOT dead, it is suffering from the effects of corrosion!

Can grease be used to prevent corrosion on a car battery terminal battery?

A very thin smear of Copper Grease over the Battery terminal / Cable end will help pevent corrosion.

How do you fix car battery cable corrosion?

Don't fix it...replace it.

Will a corroded battery cause your car not to start sometimes?

Yes. The battery post only has to have very little corrosion to make you car not start.

How do you clean corrosion on a car battery?

Clean it with a mixture of baking soda and water.

Can you use a sentence with the word corrosion in it?

It was difficult taking the leads off the very old car battery; the buildup of corrosion was extreme.

Why would battery terminal corrosion prevent a car from starting?

If there is corrosion on the terminals then you will have a bad connection that will not transfer power from the battery to the starter. It is just like disconnecting the cable. Electrical current cannot flow properly through the corrosion,

What makes corrosion to a car battery?

My husband said it is caused by the vapor from the battery acid. It is the vapor of the battery acid leaking out of the battery, so the above answer is correct.

Will a bad battery connection or corrosion rob your car of horsepower at higher rpms?

Though your alternator is constantly supplying power to your car while it is running, an incomplete circuit could cause your car to 'wind down.' Try pouring some coca-cola onto your battery cables where they connect to the battery to remove all that crud that collects there over time. It works, and looks pretty cool! I love science :D I hope that helps you out.

Does a dirty battery cause it to die?

no it doesn't Corrosion on the top of a car battery can allow electrical flow from one post to the other which will drain the battery.

What do you clean car battery corrosion off with?

Best is a wire brush and baking soda. You can use grease to coat the terminals to slow down the corrosion.