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I gathered a number of articles addressing the efficacy of Preparation

H and under eye puffiness. In addition I am including information and

non-surgical recommendations that could help you reduce the bags under

your eyes. In my research, it appears that there are no specific drugs

available to reduce under eye puffiness.

Baggy Eyes

"Baggy eyes in the morning are normally due to sleeping on stomach or

without a pillow; fatigue and alcohol make it worse. Frequent swelling

is often a sign of Allergies. Bags under the eyes, mainly hereditary,

occur because fluids tend to accumulate where the skin is thinner.

Thyroid, kidney and Heart disease and use of some medications make

baggy eyes appear worse; in most cases resting and sleeping on an

elevated pillow is the best you can do." Eyes

In an article at Straight Dope the use of Preparation H is discussed

as not helping eliminate bags under the eyes:

"A spokesperson for Whitehall-Robins, maker of Preparation H, informed

us that the product "helps shrink hemorrhoidal tissue and is not meant

for the area around the eyes. There is no clinical evidence to support

that it reduces eye puffiness." She said they get this question less

frequently than they used to, perhaps because Prep H has been

reformulated. One of the ingredients that supposedly reduced puffiness

was "live yeast cell," but this is no longer part of the recipe."

They go on to say:

Actually, it's debatable whether anything will help puffy eyes, which

result from fluid retention caused by allergies, stress, etc. The

ingredient in Preparation H that supposedly reduces swelling is

phenylephrine HCl, which is used in nasal decongestants to constrict

blood vessels. However, according to Paula Begoun, author of The

Beauty Bible, Preparation H doesn't work where it's supposed to work,

so what are the chances it'll work in the minimal concentrations you'd

use on your eyes? Jane emphatically concurs, and Cecil politely

assumes these women know whereof they speak."


So what does work?

(1) Sleep with your head slightly elevated to minimize fluid


(2) Avoid booze and salty foods, which can cause water retention.

(3) If you have allergies, take antihistamines and don't rub your


(4) Remove any makeup carefully to avoid getting particles in your


(5) To avoid dryness that can lead to irritation and puffiness, use a

moisturizer. If nothing works and this is a chronic condition,

cosmetic surgery may be your only recourse.

Source: Straight Dope

However, Maxim Online states the opposite:

"Dermatologists agree that Preparation H does the trick. It tightens

facial skin by temporarily constricting blood vessels and shrinking

under-eye tissue-the same way it constricts and shrinks rectal blood

vessels and tissue, explains Debra Jaliman, M.D., a clinical

instructor in dermatology at New York's Mount Sinai School of


Source: Maxim Online

Seventeen's magazine Beauty myths and secrets:

One of their 17 all-natural beauty secrets is:

Preparation H (hemorrhoid cream) shrinks bags under your eyes.

Mr. Joel's Weekly Beauty Column states that using Preparation H on

your eyes doesn't help.

Hemorrhoid creams can get rid of under eye bags?

"It's rumored that models swear by Preparation H to cure undereye

woes. And while in theory the anti-inflammatory effect of hemorrhoid

cream could temporarily reduce puffiness under the eye, the thick

ointment isn't your best choice aesthetically."

Better options:

"Sleep with your head elevated. Propping up your head with a pillow or

two prevents fluid from pooling beneath your eyes while you sleep."

Try eye gel. Gels can temporarily tighten the skin under your eyes,

reducing the appearance of bags and fine wrinkles.

Use compresses. Cool, wet tea bags or cotton pads soaked in milk have

a soothing effect on the eye area and can make bags appear less


Watch salt intake. Eating very salty foods can cause you to retain

water all over -- including under your eyes."

Source: ThirdAge Inc

What can I do to get rid of baggy eyes?

"That depends on what is causing them. Many environmental factors can

cause puffy or baggy eyes, including allergies, dehydration, too much

salt and alcohol and the lack of sleep. Sometimes antihistamines can

help, as does reducing salt and alcohol in your diet, and elevating

your head slightly when sleeping. If none of these remedies help, the

bags could be due to fatty tissue deposits that tend to increase in

the upper and lower lid area as we age. The only way to remove them is

through surgery."

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3h ago

Preparation H is not intended for use on the delicate skin around the eyes and can cause irritation, especially if it gets into the eyes. It's best to consult with a dermatologist to explore safe and effective treatments for bags and dark circles under the eyes.

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When enzymes break down stray red blood cells they leave dark circles behind in a part of your face with the thinnest skin Where?

This process typically occurs in the delicate under-eye area, where the skin is thin and more transparent, making blood vessels and dark circles more visible. The enzyme activity involved in breaking down red blood cells can lead to the accumulation of pigmented by-products, contributing to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

Why do you see dark circles when looking into a microscope?

BEcause of air blubbles

Causes of dark under eye circles?

In my oppinion it could be many different things but what stands out to me the most is this, My father works a night job. My father has been on his job for the last 17 years and he can't seem to get rid of the dark cicle around his eyes. What it comes down to is not getting enough sleepand just working hard Sinuses and/or allergies could also be the culprit. Sometimes it just runs in the family. I've worded night shift for the past two monts and have found that eyes have become darker. I already had dark circles around my eyes for many years. I'm getting the proper amount of sleep but I think the irregular sleep paterns take there toll. i get plenty sleep, dont work a graveyard shift & i have no family history yet i still get circles dark circles so i dont know the deal

Can fluocinolone acetonide be used to treat dark area around eyes?

It would be a mistake to use steroid cream around your eyes without discussing that with a health care provider first. Steroids are not going to treat the average dark circles under the eyes.

What might cause dark circles on your onion cell?

the nucleus of the onion cell.

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What is another name for bags under the eyes?

Periorbital dark circles , (also dark circles or raccoon attack).

I am a 16 years old girl....what is the best green tea to use to get rid of under eye darkness and wrinkly eye bags?

First of all, if you have bags and dark circles under your eyes, what you should do is sleep more. If you sleep to little, you will get those dark circles. There are also under eye concealers that cover them up.

I have dark bags under my eyes. How do I get rid of them?

You cant get rid of dark circles, they are hareditory. You can only use concealer to discuise them.

What are the simple ways to remove the dark circles?

One simple way to get rid of dark circles under your eyes is to put wet coffee grounds on your eyes. The caffeine rejuvinates the skin. Tea bags will also work!

Can hemorrhoidd medicine help with bags under the eyes?

No, but it swells the wrinkled areas around the eye, temporarily getting rid of 'crow's feet'. If you are getting dark circles, that means you need more sleep.

How do you reduce dark circles under eyes instantly?

Boil 2 chamomile tea bags then put the bags in the fridge for 15 min , then put them on your eyes for 5-10 minutes.

Im 27 years old and just recently got bags and dark circles under your eyes How would you get rid of them?

Just get some proper sleep.

Does laying tea bags on your eyes solve dark circles under eyes?

Some say it will. Probably getting enough sleep is going to have a greater benefit.

Are dark circles under your eyes a sign of vitamin dificiency?

Vitamin deficiencies, including vitamin B12, D, E and K, have been associated with dark circles.

Are dark under eye circles a sign of pregnancy?

No. Dark circles under ones eyes mean you haven't been sleeping or are over sleeping and are drained.

Do Romanian's have dark circles under eyes?

It is not true !

What is the most common colours for circles under the eyes?

Periorbital dark circles also known as dark circles are dark blemishes around the eyes. There are many causes of this symptom, including heredity and bruising. Concealer is the most effective tool for hiding dark under-eye circle.