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Q: Does rubbing alcohol help before a mouth swab?
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Does rubbing alcohol help windshield wiper blades?

it cleans them. so yes.

Does alcohol help with bug bites?

Yes. Dab some rubbing alcohol on mosquito bites and it will reduce the itching.

How do you clean up silly sludge?

Rubbing alcohol may dissolve it and help you remove it.

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Why does rubbing alcohol help mosquito bites stop itching?

because the alcohol has bio forcin in it to relieve itching

Is it ok to use rubbing alcohol to clean plastic lenses for eye glasses?

F#ck ya it will...use a solution of 3 parts rubbing alcohol to one part water in a spray bottle and you have a kick a$$ eye glass cleaning solution. Just be sure to rinse your glasses under warm water before using the solution and buff with a lens cloth. Your $h1t will be clear as day.

Does vaseline help for mosquito bites?

No, however, rubbing alcohol does the type that comes in big bottles like the green alcohol. Also Neosporin and things like that do too!

Should you use rubbing alcohol to help your lower back pains?

I'm not really sure how that would do much good, since rubbing alcohol would really only cool the skin and back pains are typically muscular or spinal in nature. You might be better off with heat and massage.

What can be use in place of rubbing alcohol?

Vodka or GinAlso note: Hydrogen Peroxide, Betadine (Povidone Iodine), Witch Hazel and a myriad of other products exist to help disinfect wounds. The vast majority of which do not burn as badly as Isopropyl Alcohol. If you're looking for something to disinfect objects with or if you cannot purchase these other products, then like previously suggested -- Vodka would work well.

WILL rubbing alcohol stain clothes?

no it shouldn't but if it does it might just be little stains that's all

Rubbing alcohol Spashed in my eyes help pleae?

Flush with water. The alcohol will not hurt your eyes if you wash it out. The water will dilute the alcohol.Again open your eyes and splash them with water until the burning stops.

Can cetaphil help infections?

Not really, use Neosporin, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol or sterile water. If the infection is internal you will likely need antibiotics.