

Does swine flu affect pregnant women?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Pregnant women are considered in the risk group so they should get the vaccine.

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Q: Does swine flu affect pregnant women?
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Related questions

Why does Swine Flu attac pregnant women most?

I believe it doesn't. But in The Fall of 2009 a paper was passed out at doctors offices showing for the H1N1 Swine Flu 2009 pregnant women and Children should be the first people to obtain the shot first.

Can Swine Flu be deadly for a 6 month pregnant woman and the baby?

Pregnant women are at higher risk of developing complications from the H1N1/09 flu virus. They already have stress on their immune systems from the pregnancy and adding illness to that can leave them much more vulnerable. Many of the deaths from the pandemic swine flu were among pregnant women. Vaccinations are safe for pregnant women and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommend that all pregnant women get the flu vaccination that includes the "swine flu" vaccine to prevent them from getting the infectious disease. See the related question below for more information about those recommendations.

Can pregnant women take homeopathy swine flu vaccine?

There is no vaccination in homeopathy medicinal system.

Can you try for a baby when Swine Flu is going around?

Yes, and if you are taking oral contraceptives and the doctor gives you an anti-biotic it can kill not only the bug, but the effectiveness of your pill.

What gender does Swine Flu affect?

Males and females.

Is the Swine Flu in Oregon Salem yet?

is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet is the swine flu in Oregon yet

How does the Swine Flu affect your nose?

it makes you sneeze an excessive amount

Are the flu and Swine Flu the same?

No, Swine Flu is just one strain of the many flu viruses. Flu is an abbreviation for influenza. So Swine Flu is a type of flu, but all flu is not the swine flu, there are other kinds.

How does the swine flu effect the circulatory system?

Swine flu does not have an affect on the circulatory system. It does affect the Cardiovascular system and puts it under great stress, that's why people with heart disease are more susceptible to it.

What are the different types of bird flu?

Swine Flu

How did Swine Flu affect China?

The way in which Swine flu affected china was that the number of people that went china decreased. This is because people were scared that they would get the virus.

What color is the Swine Flu?

The swine flu is PURPLE. :]