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The vice president does not "run" the senate. However he is the president of the senate and can vote, if the senate vote is tied. In a way the senate majority leader can control the senate in that all bills can only reach the floor to be debated and voted on if he or she says so. Harry Reid, a democrat, now "controls" the senate

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Q: Does the Vice President run the Senate or the House?
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Who becomes president if the vice presidenet dies?

There is no new president if the vice president dies Wrong. Just because the president and the vice president die, does not mean we will not have a president. Someone has to run this country of we would be in complete chaos. It would more than likely be the speaker of the house. And if that doesn't happen, then we would re-elect.

When did Nixon and Eisenhower run for president and vice president?

Eisenhower and Nixon served two terms as Presidentand VP; 1953-1961.

In what two ways can the vice president fill in for president?

The Vice President becomes President if the President dies, becomes incapacitated (say, a stroke or an accident), or is otherwise unable to carry out their office. If there is a chance the President can return to office, the VP will likely not take over completely, but will act as "President pro tem". ("Pro tem" is a fancy, Latin way of saying "for now".)A Vice President can also run for President, when the President they served under prepares to leave office. Al Gore did this, as did George H.W. Bush, and Richard Nixon (who served under Eisenhower) in 1960. A Vice President who takes over for a sitting President (like Ford, Lyndon Johnson, Harry Truman and others) may choose to run for re-election.

Who did Gerald Ford run against to become president?

Technically, no one. Ford was made the Vice President as per the 25th amendment to the constitution, and became the President when Nixon resigned.

Who was the first woman to run for for vice president on the democratic ticket?

Geraldine Ferraro (1984). The presidential nominee was Walter Mondale.

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Can Paul Ryan run for vice president and House-of-Representitives at same time?

Yes, and he will. Biden ran for senate and Vice President at the same time.

What power does the Vice President have over Senate?

The Vice President's power over the senate is only to break a tie and to run the senate meeting.

The person who runs the senate when the vice PResident is away?

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (or Speaker of the House) is the presiding officer of the chamber. As of 2012, the Speaker of the House is Republican John Boehner of Ohio.

Who did martin van buren replace as the vice president?

John C. Calhoun was the vice-president before Van Buren. Calhoun resigned to run for the Senate.

Are the President and the Vice President members of different political parties?

Not since 1804.. After the 12th amendment was ratified in 1804, candidates for president and vice-president run as a team and the same electors elect both of them in separate ballots. It could in theory happen again if the electoral college votes ends in a 269-269 tie, so that the House decides the President and the Senate elects the vice-president.

Who will run the country if the president and the vice president die at the same time?

The Speaker of the house will become President.

Who chooses the vice president if the electoral college does not have a majority?

If no candidate for vice-president gets a majority of electoral votes, the Senate elects the vice-president from the among the two highest in list of people getting votes from the electors. One would expect that they would chose the running mate of the new president, but they are not required to do so.

Is The Executive Office of the President is run by the vice president?

No. The EOP is headed by the White House Chief of Staff.

Why do you think the president and vice president are both from the same party today.?

They run as a team and are both elected by the same electors who have pledged to support their candidacy. The only way they could not be from the same party would be if no candidate received a majority of the electoral vote so the House of Representatives chose the President and the Senate chose the Vice-President.

Why do you think the president and vice president both from the same party today?

They run as a team and are both elected by the same electors who have pledged to support their candidacy. The only way they could not be from the same party would be if no candidate received a majority of the electoral vote so the House of Representatives chose the President and the Senate chose the Vice-President.

Who was the first person to occupy the White House with out having to run for president or Vice-President?

Gerald R. Ford

Can Biden run for VP and US Senate at the same time?

No, Joe Biden cannot run for both Vice President and US Senate at the same time. The Constitution does not allow individuals to hold both positions simultaneously. If Biden were to be selected as the Vice Presidential candidate, he would have to resign from his Senate seat.