

Does the arctic tundra have thousands of evergreens?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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NO, it does not ! - The very meaning of "tundra" is "vast, flat, treeless frozen regions".

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Q: Does the arctic tundra have thousands of evergreens?
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Wolves and polar bears compete in the tundra, but wolves prefer to live where there is more prey. The following also live in the tundra: Arctic Fox, Arctic Hare, Caribou and Muskox.

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No, because the tundra is a biome where no trees grow. Evergreens grow in the Boreal/Coniferous Forest.

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Tundra. The arctic tundra in the summer and then they migrate to the Boreal Forest in the winter.

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If you mean Arctic tundra then yes.

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What territories are in the arctic tundra?

The Arctic tundra spans across northern Alaska in the United States, northern Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, and northern Russia. These regions experience extremely cold temperatures, have a layer of permafrost, and are characterized by low-lying vegetation such as mosses, lichens, and shrubs.

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north siberian plain

What birds eat animals in the arctic tundra?

there arent any birds in the arctic tundra.

What was the name of the war happened in the arctic tundra?

Arctic Tundra War you anus!

What bacteria are in the arctic tundra?

gilled mushrooms are a common fungi in the arctic tundra.

What continents does the arctic tundra belong in?

The Arctic Tundra is present in North America, Europe, and Asia. The Arctic Tundra is a type of tundra present around the Arctic Ocean's coastline.