

Does the bankfinance company turn in your tags by law?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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19y ago

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In CA. and some other states its the law. Some states say the plates stay with the vehicle, some states say they stay with the debtor. I will give you a list of which states are which: V stays with Debtor (person who financed the vehicle) AL - D, AK - V, AZ - D, AR - D, CA - V, CO - D, CT - D, DE - V, WASH. DC - D, FL - D, GA - V, HI - V, ID - V, IL - D, IN - D, IA - D, KS - D, KY - V, LA - D (However, they go by the state law where the veh. was registered.), ME - D, MD - D, MA - D, MI - D, MN - V, MS - D, MO - D, MT - D, NEB - D, NV - D, NH - D, NJ - D, NM - D, NY - D, NC - D, ND - V, OH - D, OK - V, OR - V (Except custom plates, they stay with debtor), PENN - D, RI - D, SC - D, SD - V, TN - D, TX - V, UT - D, VT - D, VA - D, WA - V, WV - D, WI - D, WY - D. This list was found in the ARA Directory. List may have changed since it's publication. Some states have mandatory insurance laws which state that the plate will be seized by the local law enforcement if the vehicle has no current insurance. It is what is referred to as "M.I. Suspended" you should check with your local law enforcement to be sure.

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