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Girrafe is an eukaryotic organism while bacteria is procaryotic. As we know that eukaryotic organism has larger cells than prokaryotic organism so girrafe has larger cells than a bacterium.

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Not really, but could be many more of them.

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Q: Does the giraffe have bigger cells than a bacteria or just more of them?
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Bacteria do have DNA. Bacteria are prokaryotic cells, meaning they are fully functional cells (have DNA, RNA, ribosomes, cytoplasm). They just do not have a nucleus to house their like eukaryotic cells.

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A Semipermeable cell membrane. Apex- T.F.

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Bacteria are prokaryotes, a type of cell that lacks a nucleus, meaning bacterial DNA are not separated from the rest of the cell as is the case in eukaryotes. Animal cells, including humans, are eukaryotes.

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How many vertebra in a giraffe's back?

Giraffes have the same number of vertebrae as we do. Their vertebrae is just bigger bones then ours. The number of bones we have I don't know.

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Usually yes. Initially (just after conception) it makes more cells as it get smaller - but that's just temporary.

Is a giraffe a unicellular or multi-cellular?

A giraffe is multicellular. Single-celled organisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye, as they are made up of just one cell and cells are obviously very tiny.

Are protists bacteria?

No. Protists have nuclear membranes in their cells whereas bacteria do not.The kingdom Protists include bacteria. This kingdom includes other organisms besides bacteria. Just as we belong to the animal group.