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male fighting fish will built the nest for the female to reproduce..after builting the nest,this will attract the female fish to produce the egg inside the bubble..after that,the male will take care of the egg for about few week,but before that you must not keeping it with the female because the male will fighting with the female if she go nearer to the nest..If the little fishes have birth,you must remove the male for prevent eating his own baby..

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Q: Does the male or female parakeet build the nest?
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Parakeets lay fertile eggs when they are with the opposite gender (i.e male with female) and they have a warm, comfortable place to lay it such as a nest box.

Does the male or female fish make the nest?

the male betta fish makes the nest.

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It can take years,depending on their age.I'd fix a nest box to put in their cage.Sometimes that will help encourage them.Just be patient.

What is the behavior of the female parakeet when the egg is nearly ready to hatch?

when the female parakeet drop her egg, one of 2 things may happen: 1. it may hatch prematurely 2. it will break and kill what ever is inside; most commonly a female parakeet

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During the courtship process, the male betta will often follow the female around the tank, flashing his fins as a show of display. It is not uncommon for the male betta to be mildly aggressive to the female. The male will also build a "bubble nest", which is essentially a mass of bubbles that float at the top of the water. When the female has been courted and is ready to lay eggs, she will lay her eggs in or near this nest. The male will then spend most of his time watching the nest and replacing any eggs that fall out. The female at this point has no role in the care for the fry.

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