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of course. any extreme pH such as 9-10 or as low as 3-4 will damage the plant directly but even smaller ranges change the water solutes composition in ways which can be good or bad depending on your soil structure.

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Q: Does the pH of Water Affect the Growth of Bean Plants?
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Yes, salt water does affect bean plant growth. Many think that it can make them grow better than regular water, but the water can affect the natural sodium in the bean making them taste saltier.

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yes it affect the growth.

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Amount Of Water

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Tea is good for plant growth. The tannins in the tea help the plants grow faster and stronger than using just water. Certain kinds of teas are better than others.

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this question can't really be answered until you supply the liquids that are to be compared

How do you kill a bean?

Bean plants, like any plants, die when they don't get enough water. Or if they are sprayed by some substance that is toxic to them. If the plants don't get enough nutrients they may continue to grow but their growth will be stunted

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The amount of water.

Does smoke affect the growth of a bean plant?

yep. it stunts it