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In nature and outdoor captivity, red eared sliders swim in water, and then climb on top of rocks to bask in the sun for periods of time.

In an indoor tank, red eared sliders swim in the tank and then climb on top of a floating turtledock provided by their owner, and bask in UV-B simulating lamps.

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Q: Does the red ear turtle have to be in sun light or water?
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Can the red ear turtle egg hatch in water?


What happen if a red ear slider turtle egg stays in water?

It dont matter what kind of turtle is it...if they stay in the water; the turtle will not form and therefor it will not hatch.

What kind of turtle is the turtle that has red stripes on the side of there neck?

Red-eared sliders. They are classified as semi-aquatic turtles- meaning they spend most of their time in the water but still require land.

Does a red eared slider turtle have a voice?

Yes, they have internal ear structures. They are sensitive to vibration and sound.

Can red sided ear turtle see in the night time?

Probably the same as we can, very limited to the ambient light source.

What species of turtle have red spots on their heads?

red ear slider.

What turtle is really expensive?

Do you know what turtle isn't expensive, a red ear trappin!

What kind of turtle has red around its mouth and a hard shell that is a land turtle?

It depends on where the red is on the turtle and also where you found the turtle. Also, how do you know it is a land turtle? Aquatic turtles leave the water and walk for long distances. If the red looks like a horizontal streak, on each side of the head, it could be a red ear slider. There are many pictures of turtles online and thousands of species of turtles. In the U.S., the Red Ear Slider is one of the most common species, though.

Can a red ear turtle male have eggs?

no, only females can.

How do you prevent your red ear turtle from hibernating All condition such as temperature water... is ok but the red ear are going to hibernate.?

you have to keep the water temperature above 80 degrees. you can buy a reptile lamp to do so. you have to mimic its habitat so if its day time turn the light on, night turn it off. you have to trick it in the winter into thinking that it is summer so it wont hibernate.

Can a shark be in the same tank as a red ear slider?

Red Ear Sliders live in and around fresh water. In the unlikely event that a collector has in his/her possession a Bull Shark or a River Shark then the turtle would most certainly be eaten.

Where can you find a red ear slider turtle?

They are mostly found in an pet shop